TY - GEN CY - Universitas Lampung ID - eprints55727 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/55727/ A1 - Muhammad Ido Nugraha, 1516051022 Y1 - 2019/10/14/ N2 - This study aims to determine the application of the canvas business model and determine alternative business strategies using SWOT analysis (strengths, weakness, opportunity, threats) that are properly applied to Saputra Chicken Farms in Way Khilau, using descriptive methods with a qualitative approach. The research location was in Way Khilau Subdistrict, Pesawaran Regency which was determined intentionally (purposive). Informants include owners, workers, and buyers. Data collection techniques carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. The SWOT analysis results can be seen from the nine elements of the Business Model Canvas, namely, customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, cost structures, key resources, key activities, key partnerships produce a strengths threats (ST) strategy that is right for the company to use the power to overcome threats. Keywords: Business Model Canvas, Business Model Strategy, SWOT Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan model bisnis kanvas dan mengetahui alternative strategi bisnis menggunakan analisis SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threats) yang tepat diterapkan pada Peternakan Ayam Saputra di Way Khilau, menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian berada di Kecamatan Way Khilau, Kabupaten Pesawaran yang ditentukan dengan sengaja (purposive). Informan meliputi pemilik, pekerja, dan pembeli. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil analisis SWOT dilihat dari Sembilan elemen Business Model Canvas yaitu, customer segment, value proposition, channel, customer relationship, revenue streams, cost structure, key resources, key activities, key partnerships menghasilkan strategi strengths threats (ST) yang tepat diterapkan perusahaan dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan untuk mengatasi ancaman. Kata Kunci : Business Model Canvas, Strategi Model Bisnis, SWOT PB - Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik TI - ANALISIS PENGEMBANGAN USAHA PETERNAKAN AYAM DENGAN PENDEKATAN MODEL BISNIS KANVAS (Studi Pada Peternakan Ayam Saputra di Way Khilau) AV - restricted ER -