%A 1314151033 MUHAMMAD RIDWAN %T SELEKSI DAN PEMETAAN POHON PLUS DAMAR MATA KUCING (Shorea javanica)DI REPONG DAMAR PEKON PENENGAHAN KECAMATAN KARYA PENGGAWA KABUPATEN PESISIR BARAT %X Repong damar merupakan bentuk pengelolaan secara agroforestri. Sistem pengelolaannya menghasilkan hasil hutan bukan kayu berupa resin yang menjadi pendapatan perekonomian. Upaya konservasi perlu dilakukan dengan menemukan sumber benih. Pencarian pohon plus dari damar mata kucing (Shorea javanica)merupakan salah satu upaya yang diperlukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pohon plus dan peta penyebaran pohon plus damar mata kucing menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Bulan Juni- Juli pada tahun 2018. Tahapan penelitian adalah melakukan orientasi, kriteria penilaian, penandaan pohon pembanding dan pohon plus, penilaian fenotif, dan pengambilan titik koordinat pohon plusdamar mata kucing (Shorea javanica). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di repongdamar terdapat 24 pohon plus damar mata kucing (Shorea javanica)dari 25 pohon kandidat dengan rata-rata skor 86,25. Skor pohon plus tertinggi berdasarkan penilaian yang telah Muhammad Ridwan dilakukan adalah 95 dan skor terendah 84. Adapun sebaran 24 pohon plus damar mata kucing (Shorea javanica) berdasarkan lokasi adalah sebelah Utara 5 pohon plus, sebelah bagian Barat 4 pohon plus, sebelah bagian Timur terdapat 15 pohon plus, dan sebelah bagian Selatan tidak terdapat pohon plus. Kata kunci: Pohon Plus, Repong Damar, Shorea javanica. Repong damar was a form of agroforestry management. The management system has produced non-timber forest products in the formof resins which become an economic income. Conservation efforts need to be done by found out the source of seeds. Searching for Damar Mata Kucing?s (Shorea javanica) plus trees was one of the efforts needed. The aims of this research was to determine the plus trees and the distribution map of Damar Mata Kucingused Geographic Information Systems. This research was conducted in June-July in 2018. The stages of this research were conducted, the orientation, criteria scoring, marked of comparison trees and plus trees, phenotypic scoring, and coordinated the Damar Mata Kucing?s tree plus resin (Shorea javanica) plus trees. The results of this research was indicated that in the repong there were 24 Damar Mata Kucing trees plus (Shorea javanica) from the 25 candidates, with an average score of 86.25. The highest score of plus trees was 95 and the lowest was 84. The distribution of Muhammad Ridwan 24 trees plus resin (Shorea javanica) based on location was 5 plus trees at North, at the West side there were 4 plus trees, at the East side there were 15 plus trees, while at the South there were no plus trees founded. Keywords: Repong Damar, Shorea javanica, Tree Plus. %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2019 %I FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %L eprints56225