@misc{eprints56231, title = {KEANEKARAGAMAN JENIS PAKAN TAPIR (Tapirus indicus, Desmarest, 1819) DI TAMAN NASIONAL WAY KAMBAS (TNWK) (STUDI KASUS : RPTN WAY KANAN SPTN WILAYAH I WAY KANAN) }, author = {1514151030 NYIMAS DITA MAHARANI}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS PERTANIAN}, year = {2019}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/56231/}, abstract = {Tapir merupakan salah satu dari lima megasatwa di Taman Nasional Way Kambas (TNWK) yang memerlukan suatu upaya konservasi. Salah satu upaya konservasi yang dilakukan yaitu dengan meningkatkan produktivitas tumbuhan alami sebagai sumber pakan tapir, sehingga memerlukan inventarisasi pakan alami tapir. Inventarisasi jenis pakan tapir dilakukan dengan metode transek garis (line transect) dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman, kemerataan, kelimpahan dan sebaran jenis pakan tapir. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan jumlah spesies yang teramati di RPTN Way Kanan yaitu 15 spesies dalam 9 famili dengan total 1288 individu/spesies. Indeks keanekaragaman jenis pakan tapir yaitu H?=2,61 yang menunjukkan tingkat keanekaragaman jenis pakan tapir sedang (1{\ensuremath{<}}H?{\ensuremath{<}}3), semakin banyak jenis pakan tapir yang ditemukan maka semakin tinggi indeks keanekaragamannya. Indeks kemerataan jenis pakan tapir yaitu J=0,96 yang menunjukkan kemerataan jenis pakan tapir stabil (0,75{\ensuremath{<}}J{\ensuremath{<}}1). Nyimas Dita Maharani Nilai kemerataan jenis yang mendekati satu menunjukkan suatu komunitas semakin merata persebarannya, sedangkan jika mendekati nol semakin tidak merata persebarannya. Nilai kelimpahan tertingggi pada pakan tapir yaitu tumbuhan meniran (Antidesma tetrandrum) dan apit N=1,30 dan nilai kelimpahan terendah pada tumbuhan tiga urat N=1,08. Persebaran jenis pakan tapir tersebar secara merata dan telah diinterpretasikan ke dalam bentuk peta. Kata Kunci : keanekaragaman, kemerataan, kelimpahan, persebaran. Tapir (Tapirus indicus) is one of the five mega animals in Way Kambas National Park (TNWK) that required a conservation effort. One of the conservation efforts that is being undertaken is by increasing the productivity of natural plants as their source food, so that it required an inventory of natural food for the tapir. Inventory for the tapir feed types was carried out by using line transect method with the aim to determined the diversity, evenness, abundance and distribution of tapir feed types. The results of this study showed that the number of species observed in the Way Kanan RPTN were 15 species in 9 families with a total of 1288 individuals/ species. The tapir type diversity index was H '= 2.61, which showed the diversity level of medium tapir feed types (1 {\ensuremath{<}}H' {\ensuremath{<}}3). The more types of tapir feeds found, the higher the diversity index is. The evenness index of tapir feed type was J = 0.96 which showed the evenness of stable tapir feed types (0.75 {\ensuremath{<}}J {\ensuremath{<}}1). Evenness values that approached ?one?, indicated that the community was more evenly distributed, whereas if it was close to zero the distribution would be evenly uneven. The highest abundance value in tapir feed was meniran plants (Antidesma tetrandrum) and apit N = 1.30 and the lowest abundance value in triple veins was N = 1.08. The distribution of tapir feed types were spread evenly and has been interpreted in the form of map. Keywords: diversity, evenness, abundance, distribution.} }