%0 Generic %A DEWI IRA RAHMAWATI, 1514151048 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2019 %F eprints:56364 %I FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %T KEANEKARAGAMAN DUNG BEETLE DI BLOK LINDUNG HUTAN PENDIDIKAN KONSERVASI TERPADU UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG DI TAHURA WAN ABDUL RACHMAN %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/56364/ %X Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman merupakan Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Universitas Lampung. Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman memiliki kekayaan flora dan fauna yang sangat besar salah satunya dung beetle. Dung beetle dapat dijadikan sebagai indikator kerusakan habitat dalam ekosistem hutan tropis, karena dung beetle tersebut bersifat sensitif terhadap perubahan vegetasi, iklim mikro dan satwa yang ada di habitatnya. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis dung beetle dan mengetahui jenis dung beetle yang paling banyak di Blok Lindung Hutan Pendidikan Konservasi Terpadu Universitas Lampung Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2018 – Februari 2019. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode trap (jebakan). Trap yang digunakan sebanyak 36 dan ditanam sejajar dengan tanah, berjarak 10 m antar trap. kemudian data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan indeks keanekaragaman, indeks kemerataan serta indeks kelimpahan. Hasil penelitian ditemukan sebanyak 34 individu dengan nilai indeks keeanekaragaman Dewi Ira Rahmawati sedang yang terdiri dari empat jenis (Cattarsius mollosus, Onthopagus sp, Oryctes rinocheros, dan Aphodius marginellus). Dung beetle lebih banyak ditemukan di bawah naungan dibandingkan tanpa naungan dengan perbandingan 26:8. Wilayah ternaungi lebih sesuai untuk aktivitas terbang dung beetle dan menjaga populasi dung beetle karena memiliki kelembaban yang cukup. Populasi dung beetle akan bertahan apabila habitatnya terjaga dengan baik, oleh karena itu diharapkan pihak pengelola tetap menjaga kelestarian Blok Lindung Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman. Kata kunci: dung beetle, keaneakaragaman, Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman. Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman was the Integrated Conservation Education Forest of Lampung University. Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman has a huge diversity of flora and fauna, Dung beetle was one of the part of the diversity. Dung beetle used as an indicator of habitat destruction in tropical forest ecosystems, because the dung beetle was sensitive to the changes of vegetation, microclimate and animals in its habitat. The aims of this research was to find out of the diversity of dung beetle species and to found out the highest diversity of dung beetle species at the Protection Block of the Integrated Conservation Education Forest of Lampung University in Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman. This research was conducted between December - February 2019. The method used was trap metrods. Traps was used were 36, and put on to soil with range 10 m between traps. The data was collected and analyzed with diversity index, evenness index and abundance index. The result of this research was found 34 species with a moderet value, diversity index value was consisting of four types (Cattarsius mollosus, Dewi Ira Rahmawati Onthopagus sp, Oryctes rinocheros, and Aphodius marginellus). Dung beetle was more commonly found under shade than without shade at a ratio of 26: 8. Shaded areas are more suitable for flying dung beetle activities and maintain dung beetle populations because they have sufficient humidity. Dung beetle population will survive if its habitat is well preserved, therefore it is expected that the manager will continue to preserve the Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman Protection Block. Keywords: dung beetle, diversity, Tahura Wan Abdul Rachman forest park.