@misc{eprints5641, month = {April}, title = {PENGARUH SUHU KALSINASI TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK KOMPOSIT MgO-SiO2 BERBASIS SILIKA SEKAM PADI}, author = {0817041012 VININDIA KUSUMA}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS MIPA}, year = {2013}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/5641/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK Komposit MgO-SiO2 disintesis dari larutan MgNO3.6H2O dan silika sekam padi. Hasil analisis SEM pada suhu 700oC menunjukkan terbentuknya gumpalan (cluster) yang berukuran tidak sama dan memiliki ukuran pori yang cukup besar sedangkan pada suhu 800oC dan 900oC menunjukkan terbentuknya butiran kristal MgO dan berukuran tidak sama. Adanya peningkatan suhu kalsinasi morfologi permukaan mengalami perubahan, diantaranya pori-pori, ukuran maupun bentuk butiran yang terdistribusi pada permukaan. Hasil EDS memperlihatkan senyawa oksigen, potasium, sulfur, karbon, silikon dan magnesium. Hasil karakterisasi XRD menunjukkan pada suhu kalsinasi 700oC terbentuk fasa silicon oxide dan magnesium silika. Sedangkan pada suhu kalsinasi 800oC dan 900oC terbentuk fasa cristobalit, periclase, forsterite dan pottasium, dimana dengan meningkatnya suhu kalsinasi semakin besar derajat kristalinitas bahan. Hasil karakterisasi luas permukaan menunjukkan komposit MgO-SiO2 pada suhu kalsinasi 700oC hasil adsorpsi yaitu = 141 nm dan desorpsi = 30,813 nm sedangkan pada suhu kalsinasi 800oC hasil absorpsi diperoleh diameter pori = 7,669 nm dan desorpsi = 3,812 nm, sehingga sampel komposit MgO-SiO2 berukuran mesopori. Berdasarkan hasil uji aktivitas yang meliputi konversi sampel dengan perbandingan 1:1 dan suhu kalsinasi 800oC memiliki nilai tertinggi yaitu 90,7\% dan viskositas terendah yaitu 11,7672 mm2/s. Hasil GCMS menghasilkan senyawa utama metil laurat, metil miristat dan metil palmitat sebagai komponen biodiesel yang dihasilkan dari minyak kelapa. Kata kunci: Komposit, MgO-SiO2, Silika, Sekam padi. iii ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF CALCINATION TEMPERATURE ON CHARACTERISTICS MgO-SiO2 COMPOSITE BASED ON RICE HUSK SILICA By VININDIA KUSUMA MgO-SiO2 composites were synthesized from solution MgNO3.6H2O and rice husk silica. SEM analysis results at a temperature of 700?C showed the formation of a clot (cluster) did not the same size and have a large enough pore size while at a temperature of 800oC and 900oC showed the formation of crystalline grains of MgO and did not the same size. An increase in the calcination temperature of the surface morphology changed, such as pores, grain size and shape were distributed on the surface. The EDS results showed oxygen compounds, potassium, sulfur, carbon, silicon and magnesium. XRD characterization results indicated the calcination temperature of 700?C phase formed silicon oxide and magnesium silica. Whereas at 800oC and 900oC calcination temperature phase formed cristobalit, periclase, forsterite and potassium, which with increasing calcination temperature the degree of crystallinity of the material was greater. Characterization results showed the surface area composite MgO-SiO2, the calcination temperature at 700?C was resulted adsorption = 141 nm and desorption = 30.813 nm, while the calcination temperature at 800oC absorption results obtained pore diameter = 7.669 nm and desorption = 3.812 nm, so the MgO-SiO2 composite sample size mesoporous. Based on the results of activity test with a sample that includes the conversion ratio of 1:1 and calcination temperature of 800oC has the highest value of 90.7\% and a low viscosity of 11.7672 mm2/s. GCMS results produced major compounds methyl laurate, methyl myristate and methyl palmitate as a component of biodiesel produced from palm oil. Key words: Composite, MgO-SiO2, Silica, Rice husk.} }