%0 Generic %A Okta Rinaldy, 1415061034 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2019 %F eprints:56819 %I FAKULTAS TEKNIK %T PERANCANGAN DAN IMPLEMENTASI LAYANAN INFORMASI DAN PEMASARAN DRONILA MENGGUNAKAN METODE PERSONAL EXTREME PROGRAMMING %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/56819/ %X Pada jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Lampung,terdapat unit layanan bisnis robotika otomasi (URO) yang sering dikenal dengan Dronila. Dronila melakukan pengembangan dalam bidang robotika, Drone dan UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Fixed Wing. Keberadaan dronila sebagai unit bisnis belum banyak dikenal masyarakat umum, karena belum memiliki media untuk menyampaikan informasi. Sehingga dibangun sebuah aplikasi web layanan informasi dan pemasaran Dronila dengan menggunakan metode Personal Extreme Programming. Aplikasi berbasis web dapat membantu memasarkan dan menginformasikan teknologi terbaru dari Dronila dan mengaplikasikanya dengan menggunakan Framework Laravel dengan menggunakan metode Personal Extreme Programming (PXP). Tahap requirement melakukan identifikasi perencanaan kebutuhan sistem fungsional dari perancangan website dan pemasaran dronila. Tahap planning melakukan pengumpulan kebutuhan berdasarkan dokumen seperti perkiraan waktu tugas. Tahap Iteration initialization melakukan iterasi kebutuhan pengguna. Tahap design merancangkan gambaran awal web layanan informasi, sistem testing melakukan uji coba terhadap web layanan yang telah dibangun dan retrospective melakukan iterasi apabila terjadi kesalahan sebelum masuk proses release. Konsep MVC mendukung metode penelitian Personal Extreme Programming dan Pengambilan Quisioner menggunakan UEQ (User Experince Quistionnaire). Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa web Layanan informasi Dronila dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik menggunakan metode Personal Extreme Programming, berdasarkan data UEQ dengan 30 respondenwebsite dapat diterima oleh pengguna. Kata kunci: Dronila, Layanan informasi dan pemasaran,Laravel,Personal Extreme Programming. In the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Lampung, there is an automation robotics business service unit (URO) which is often known as Dronila. Dronila develops in the field of robotics, Drones and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Fixed Wing. The existence of Dronila as a business unit is not well known inpublic, because it does not have the media to convey information yet. Therefore, a Dronila marketing information and marketing service web application was built using the Personal Extreme Programming method. Web-based applications can help market, inform the latest technologies from Dronila and apply them using the Laravel Framework using the Personal Extreme Programming (PXP) method. There are several stages of the PXP method, namely requirements, planning, iteration initialization, design, implementation, system testing, retrospective. The requirements phase identifies functional system requirements planning from website design and marketing sequences. The planning stage involves gathering requirements based on documents like estimated time for assignment. The Iteration initialization stage performs the iterations of user requirements. The design phase designs the initial description of the web information service, and the testing system tests the built web service and retrospectively iterates if an error occurs before entering the release process. The MVC concept supports the research methods of Personal Extreme Programming and Questionnaire Retrieval using UEQ (User Experiment Queries). The results of this study concluded that the Dronila web information service can be implemented well using the Personal Extreme Programming method, based on UEQ data with 30 website respondents can be accepted by users. Keywords: Dronila, information and marketing services, Personal Extreme Programming,Laravel