%A 1514141022 Putri Mayangsari %T PENGARUH PEMBERIAN PROBIOTIK KOMERSIL TERHADAP BOBOT TELUR, PERSENTASE ALBUMEN, DAN PERSENTASE YOLK TELUR AYAM HASIL PERSILANGAN (GRADING UP) %X Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mempelajari pengaruh pemberian probiotik komersil yang berbeda terhadap bobot telur, persentase albumen, dan persentase yolk telur ayam hasil persilangan (grading up); (2) menentukan probiotik komersil yang dapat memberikan pengaruh terbaik terhadap bobot telur, persentase albumen, dan persentase yolk telur ayam hasil persilangan (grading up). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Januari--Februari 2019, di kandang unggas Laboratorium Lapang Terpadu, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung dan pengambilan data dilakukan di Laboratorium Produksi dan Reproduksi Ternak. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), terdiri atas 4 perlakuan dan 7 ulangan (P0: tanpa suplementasi probiotik, P1: suplementasi probiotik A, P2: suplementasi probiotik B, P3: suplementasi C). Ayam yang digunakan adalah ayam persilangan antara Lohmann brown jantan dan buras betina fase layer (60 minggu) sebanyak 28 ekor. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi probiotik komersil yang berbeda tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap bobot telur, persentase albumen, dan persentase yolk telur ayam hasil persilangan (grading up). Secara statistik pemberian probiotik komersil tidak berpengaruh nyata. Namun, pemberian probiotik B menghasilkan bobot telur dan persentase yolk telur ayam hasil persilangan (grading up) lebih besar dibandingkan dengan pemberian probiotik A, pemberian probiotik C maupun tanpa perlakuan Kata kunci: Ayam persilangan, Probiotik, Telur. The purpose of this research were (1) studied the effect of different probiotics commercial on egg weight, albumen percentage, and yolk percentage of egg layer crossbreed (2) determined the probiotics commercial that can give the best influence on egg weight, albumen percentage, and yolk percentage of egg layer crossbreed. This research was conducted on January --February 2019 in the poultry house of the Integrated Field Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung and data collection was carried out in the Laboratory of Animal Production and Reproduction. This research used completely randomized design (CRD), consisting of 4 treatments and 7 replications (P0: without probiotic, P1: Probiotic A supplementation, P2: Probiotic B supplementation, P3: C supplementation), The chickens used were crossbreed chickens between male Lohmann brown and female kampong, layer phase aged (60 weeks) as many as 28 chickens The results of this study showed that different commercial probiotics supplementation had no significant effected (P> 0.05) on egg weight, albumen percentage, and yolk percentage. Statistically, commercial probiotics have no significant effected but, probiotics B produced egg weight and yolk percentage of egg layer crossbreed greater than gave of probiotics A, probiotics C or control. Keywords: Crossbreed layer, Probiotics, Egg. %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2019 %I FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %L eprints56914