@misc{eprints56937, title = {PENDUGAAN UMUR SIMPAN SUSU KAMBING DALAM KEMASAN YANG BERBEDA MENGGUNAKAN METODE AKSELERASI MODEL ARRHENIUS}, author = {151051006 DINDA PERMATA SARI}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS PERTANIAN}, year = {2019}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/56937/}, abstract = {Penelitian ini memiliki 2 tahapan penelitian. Tahap 1 bertujuan untuk menentukan jenis kemasan terbaik antara kemasan alumunium foil pouch dan pouch plastik dalam menjaga kualitas susu kambing segar pada penyimpanan suhu dingin (15{$\pm$}2?C) selama 8 hari. Tahap 2 bertujuan untuk menduga umur simpan susu kambing segar pada kemasan terbaik yang telah ditentukan pada tahap 1. Penelitian tahap 1 menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) yang disusun secara faktorial dengan 2 faktor dan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah jenis kemasan yaitu kemasan alumunium foil pouch dan pouch plastik. Faktor kedua adalah lama penyimpanan yaitu 0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8 hari. Data yang diperolehdianalisiskesamaanragamnyadenganuji Bartlett dankemenambahan data diujidenganujiTuckey, selanjutnya data dianalisis sidikragamuntukmengetahuipengaruhantar perlakuan pada taraf 1\% dan 5 \%, kemudian data dianalisislebihlanjutdenganUji Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada taraf 5\%. Penelitian tahap 2 menggunakan metode akselerasi dengan pendekatan Dinda Permata Sari Arrhenius dengan 2 parameter pengamatan yaitu p? dan total gumpalan serta 3 suhu penyimpanan yaitu 15?C, 25?C,35?C. Hasil penelitian tahap 1 menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik yaitu A1B1 dimana susu kambing disimpan pada kemasan alumunium foil pouch dengan lama penyimpanan 0 hari. Nilai paramter warna yang dihasilkan adalah 5,00 (putih), aroma 4,97 (prengus), penerimaan keseluruan 4,97 (sangat suka), p? 6,53, dan total mikroba (4,63 x 103 CFU/mL). Hasil penelitian tahap 2, perhitungan umur simpan susu kambing yang dikemas menggunakan kemasan alumunium foil pouch pada parameter nilai p? suhu 15?C yaitu 8,03 hari, suhu 25?C yaitu 1,98 hari, suhu 35?C yaitu 12,8 jam. Sedangkan umur simpan susu kambing tanpa kemasan pada parameter nilai p? suhu 15?C yaitu 1,53 jam, suhu 25?C yaitu 33 menit, suhu 35?C yaitu 11,4 menit. Kata kunci: susu kambing, kemasan, umur simpan, Arrhenius This study had two stages of study. The aimed of 1st stage study was to obtain best type of package between aluminium foil pouch and plastic pouch in maintained the qualities of fresh goat milk at cold temperature (15{$\pm$}2?C) storage for 8 days. The aimed of 2nd stage was to obtain predicted the storage time of fresh goat milk on the best package that had been determined in the first stage. This study used a Complete Randomized Block Design (RAKL) which was arranged factorially with 2 factors and 3 repetitions. The first factor is the type of package, used aluminium foil pouch and plastic pouch. The second factor is the storage times, were 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 days. The data obtained were analyzed for the similarity of variance with the Bartlett test and the addition of the data tested by the Tuckey test, it were analyzed by variance to determine the effects between treatments at level 1 \% and 5\%. If it shows a significant effect, the data is further analyzed by the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at the level of5\%. The result of first research showed the best treatment is A1B1, goat milk was stored in Dinda Permata Sari alumunium foil pouch with 0 days storage time. Paramater values at colors of 5,00 (white), aroma of 4,97 (?prengus?), overall acceptanced 4,97 (really likes), value of p? 6,53,the total of microbes (4,63 x 103 CFU/mL). The result of the second research, the calculation of shelf life of goat milk based on parameter value of p? with aluminium foil pouch at 15?C is 8,03 days, 25?C is 1,98 days, 15?C at while the calculation of shelf life of goat milk based on parameter value of p? at 35?C is 12,8 hours. Without packaging at 15?C is 1,53 hours, 25?C is 33 minute, and 35?C is 11,4 minute. Keywords: goat milk, packaging, shelf life, Arrhenius} }