<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK"^^ . "Tension Leg Platform (TLP) is an offshore platform structure that floats due\r\nto buoyancy that is greater than the overall weight of the structure. TLP is\r\ngenerally used for oil and gas drilling (exploration) activities. The TLP structure\r\nconsists of a deck, a pontoon, tendon ropes and a foundation. In the existing TLP\r\nmodel, the deck and pontoon is a rigid body with structures characteristics that do\r\nnot stand waves (flows with the direction of the waves) so that the structure\r\nvibrates which damages the structure and drilling equipments.\r\nIn this research, a new TLP model (laboratory scale) was designed with a\r\nseparation between the deck and the pontoon that connected by springs so that the\r\nstructure is more flexible. This separation method is known as the two-degree of\r\nfreedom system (2-DOF) which is developed into the dynamic damping system\r\n(Dynamic Vibration absorber / DVA). With the DVA method, design parameters\r\ncan be optimized so that the disturbance of the water wave is completely muted by\r\nthe mass of the immersed ponton.\r\nThe results of research showed that the best solution for the new TLP model\r\n(TLP 2-DOF) that was able to reduce the dynamic response was the deck:\r\npontoon mass ratio of 1: 3 (0.3 kg: 0.9 kg) and spring constant 34,3808 N/m. At\r\nwater frequency disturbance of 1.55 hz and 1.74 hz, the TLP 2-DOF model is able\r\nto reduce vibrations on the deck up to 57% in the horizontal direction (surge) as\r\nevidenced by numerical simulations using ANSYS. On the experimental results\r\nthe TLP 2-DOF model were able to reduce deck vibrations up to 18.59% at 1.55\r\nhz water frequency and 21.96% at 1.74 hz water frequency. The difference of\r\nnumerical simulation and experimental values was caused by different conditions\r\n\r\nii\r\n\r\nwhere the interference force numerical simulation is assumed to be stable while in\r\nthe experimental tests the interference force originating from the waves is\r\nrelatively unstable.\r\n\r\nKeywords : 2-DOF system, Deck, Dynamic Vibration Absorber, Foundation,\r\n\r\nPonton, Surge, Tendon, Tension Leg Platform.\r\nTension Leg Platform (TLP) merupakan struktur anjungan lepas pantai yang\r\nmengapung akibat gaya apung yang lebih besar daripada berat keseluruhan\r\nstruktur. TLP umumnya digunakan untuk kegiatan pengeboran (eksplorasi)\r\nminyak dan gas. Struktur TLP terdiri dari deck, ponton, tali tendon dan fondasi.\r\nPada model TLP yang sekarang (existing) antara deck dan ponton menjadi satu\r\nkesatuan (rigid body) dengan karakteristik struktur yang tidak menahan\r\ngelombang (mengikuti arah gelombang) sehingga keadaan struktur bergetar yang\r\nberpotensi merusak struktur dan peralatan pengeboran.\r\nPada penelitian ini dirancang model TLP baru (skala laboratorium) dengan\r\npemisahan antara deck dan ponton yang dihubungkan dengan pegas sehingga\r\nstrukturnya lebih fleksibel. Metode pemisahan ini dikenal dengan sistem dua\r\nderajat kebebasan (2-DOF) yang dikembangkan menjadi sistem peredam dinamik\r\n(Dynamic Vibration Absorber/DVA). Dengan metode DVA parameter-parameter\r\nrancangan bisa dioptimalisasi sehingga gangguan gelombang air sepenuhnya\r\ndiredam oleh massa ponton yang terbenam.\r\nHasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa solusi terbaik untuk model TLP baru\r\n(TLP 2-DOF) yang mampu meredam respon dinamik adalah rasio massa deck :\r\nmassa ponton sebesar 1:3 (0,3 kg : 0,9 kg) dan konstanta pegas 34,3808 N/m.\r\nPada frekuensi gangguan air 1,55 hz dan 1,74 hz model TLP 2-DOF ini mampu\r\nmereduksi getaran pada deck hingga 57% pada arah horizontal (surge) yang\r\ndibuktikan melalui simulasi numerik menggunakan ANSYS. Sedangkan pada\r\nhasil pengujian eksperimen model TLP 2-DOF mampu meredam getaran deck\r\nhingga 18,59 % pada frekuensi air 1,55 hz dan 21,96 % pada frekuensi air 1,74 hz.\r\n\r\niv\r\n\r\nPerbedaan nilai simulasi numerik dan eksperimen ini dikarenakan kondisi yang\r\nberbeda dimana pada simulasi numerik gaya gangguan diasumsikan stabil\r\nsedangkan pada pengujian eksperimen gaya gangguan yang berasal dari ombak\r\nrelatif tidak stabil.\r\n\r\nKata kunci : 2-DOF system, Deck, Dynamic Vibration Absorber, Fondasi,\r\n\r\nPonton, Surge, Tendon, Tension Leg Platform."^^ . "2019" . . . . . "FAKULTAS TEKNIK"^^ . . . . . . . "1515021046"^^ . "NURYANTO"^^ . "1515021046 NURYANTO"^^ . . . . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (File PDF)"^^ . . . "ABSTRAK.pdf"^^ . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (File PDF)"^^ . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (File PDF)"^^ . . . "SKRIPSI TANPA BAB PEMBAHASAN.pdf"^^ . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "MODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM)\r\nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #57040 \n\nMODEL TENSION LEG PLATFORM 2-DOF (TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM) \nYANG LEBIH STABIL TERHADAP GANGGUAN OMBAK\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "620 Ilmu teknik dan ilmu yang berkaitan" . .