TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints57149 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/57149/ A1 - M. ZAENAL HASLY, 1414051058 Y1 - 2019/// N2 - Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan jumlah (%) penambahan nasi yang tepat untuk menghasilkan sifat kimia, mikrobiologi dan sensori joruk terbaik.. Penelitian disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan faktor tunggal yang diulang sebanyak empat kali. Perlakuan konsentrasi nasi (N) enam taraf yaitu 5% (N1), 10% (N2), 15% (N3), 20% (N4), 25% (N5), dan 30% (N6) per berat bahan (b/b). Data hasil penelitian diuji kesamaan ragam dengan uji Bartlet dan kemenambahan data dengan uji Tuckey. Data yang diperoleh diuji lanjut dengan Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan konsentrasi nasi sebanyak 20% menghasilkan joruk dengan sifat kimia, mikrobiologi dan sensori terbaik. Hasil penambahan nasi 20% memiliki kriteria sifat kimia yaitu pH 4,92, total asam laktat 6,92%, total volatil base (TVB) 84,55 mgN/100g, kadar air 63,30%, kadar abu 4,25%, kadar lemak 3,61% dan kadar protein 28,82%. Kriteria sifat mikrobiologi yaitu total BAL 8,61 log cfu/g, total mikroba 13,74 log cfu/g dan total kapang 4,16 log cfu/g. Kriteria sifat sensori yaitu berwarna coklat kehitaman M. Zaenal Hasly (7,3), beraroma sedikit asam (6,3), memiliki rasa tidak asin (2,2) dan asam (7,8), dan penampakan yang tidak utuh (6,5). Kata kunci: joruk, nasi, sensori, sifat kimia dan mikrobiologi The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of rice (%) added to produce the best chemistry, microbiology and sensory properties. The study was arranged with Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with four repetitions. Six levels of rice concentration treatment (N) were (N1), 10% (N2), 15% (N3), 20% (N4), 25% (N5), and 30% (N6) per weight of material (b/b). The results of the research data tested the similarity of variance with the Bartlet test and the addition of data with the Tuckey test. The data obtained were further tested with the Least Significant Difference (LSD) at the level of 5%. The results of the study showed that the addition of 20% rice concentration resulted in the best chemical, microbiological and sensory properties. The results of the addition of rice 20% had chemical characteristics of pH of 4,92, total lactic acid of 6,92%, Total Volatile Base (TVB) of 84,55 mgN/100g, moisture content of 63,30%, ash content of 4,25%, fat content of 3,61% and protein content of 28.82%. Microbiological characteristics were total BAL of 8,61 log cfu/g, total microbial of 13,74 log cfu/g and total mold of 4,16 log cfu/g. The criteria for sensory properties are blackish brown (7.3), slightly sour acid flavor (6.3), not salty taste (2.2) and acid taste (7.8), and non-intact appearance (6.5) . Keywords: Joruk, Rice, Sensory, Chemical Properties and Microbiological Properties PB - FAKULTAS PERTANIAN TI - OPTIMASI PENAMBAHAN KONSENTRASI NASI PADA JORUK AV - restricted ER -