TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints57174 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/57174/ A1 - TRI PATMASARI, 1517011117 Y1 - 2019/// N2 - Pada proses pendistribusian minyak mentah atau crude oil, sering dijumpai adanya masalah-masalah yang mengganggu aliran fluida yang melewati pipa, salah satunya adalah terbentuknya kerak. Kerak yang terbentuk pada pipa-pipa akan memperkecil diameter dan menghambat aliran fluida pada sistem pipa tersebut. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan pengujian asap cair pelepah sawit sebagai inhibitor kerak pada pipa terutama kerak kalsium sulfat (CaSO4) menggunakan metode penambahan bibit kristal (seeded experiment) pada variasi konsentrasi larutan pertumbuhan CaSO4 sebesar 0,0250; 0,0375; 0,0500 dan 0,0625 M serta variasi penambahan inhibitor 5, 15, 25 dan 35 %. Efektivitas tertinggi terjadi pada konsentrasi larutan pertumbuhan CaSO4 0,0250 M dan konsentrasi inhibitor yang ditambahkan 35%, diperoleh persentase efektivitas sebesar 261,68 %. Berdasarkan analisis kualitatif menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) dan X-Ray Difraction (XRD) menunjukkan bahwa kerak CaSO4 tanpa penambahan inhibitor seperti batang yang menumpuk, memanjang, berukuran besar yang terdiri dari fasa gipsum dan basanit, setelah penambahan inhibitor permukaan kristal terlihat pendek, berukuran lebih kecil yang terdiri dari fasa gipsum dan basanit dengan intensitas menurun serta munculnya fasa baru anhidrit. Analisis kuantitatif menggunakan Particel Size Analyzer (PSA) menunjukkan bahwa kerak CaSO4 sebelum dan setelah penambahan inhibitor mengalami penurunan ukuran kristal yakni nilai rata-rata (mean) dari 15,900 menjadi 10,370 ?m dan nilai tengah (median) dari 13,270 menjadi 8,356 ?m. Jadi, asap cair pelepah sawit dapat digunakan untuk menghambat kerak kalsium sulfat (CaSO4). Kata kunci : Asap cair pelepah sawit, CaSO4, kerak, inhibitor In the process of distributing crude oil, companies frequently encountered problems which disrupt the flow of fluid through the pipe, one of which is the formation of scale. Therefore the formed scale on the pipes will reduce the diameter and inhibit the flow of fluid in the pipe system. Due to these problems, in this research, the testing of palm midrib liquid smoke as a scale inhibitor on pipes especially on calcium sulfate (CaSO4) scale using the seeded experiment methods was succesfully done with the variations in the concentration of CaSO4 growth solution was 0.0250; 0.0375; 0.0500 and 0.0625 M respectively as well as variations in the addition of inhibitors 5, 15, 25 and 35% sequentially. The highest effectiveness occurred at the concentration of 0.0250 M CaSO4 growth solution with 35% inhibitor concentration, yielded the effectiveness percentage value of 261.68%. Based on qualitative analysis using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-Ray Difraction (XRD) showed that the CaSO4 scale without the addition of inhibitors such as rods that were piled, elongated, large?sized consisting of gypsum and basanite phases, while after the addition of crystal surface, the inhibitors looked short, smaller size consisting of gypsum and basanite phases with decreased intensity and the emergence of new anhydrite phases. According to the quantitative analysis using Particle Size Analyzer (PSA) showed that the CaSO4 scale after the addition, the inhibitors had decreased the crystal size with the mean from 15.900 to 10.370 ?m and the median from 13.270 to 8.335 ?m. In conclusion, the liquid smoke of a palm midrib can be used to overcome the calcium sulfate (CaSO4) scale. Keywords : Liquid smoke of a palm midrib, CaSO4, scale, inhibitors PB - Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam TI - STUDI PENAMBAHAN ASAP CAIR PELEPAH SAWIT SEBAGAI INHIBITOR KERAK KALSIUM SULFAT (CaSO4) MENGGUNAKAN METODE SEEDED EXPERIMENT AV - restricted ER -