@misc{eprints57310, title = {PENGARUH KONSENTRASI TEPUNG UMBI SUWEG (Amorphophallus campanulatus B) TERHADAP SIFAT FISIK, KIMIA DAN SENSORI FRUIT LEATHER CAMPURAN NENAS MADU (Ananas comosus L) DAN PEPAYA (Carica papaya L)}, author = {1514051106 SHINTA SELESTEYANI}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS PERTANIAN}, year = {2019}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/57310/}, abstract = {Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi tepung umbi suweg pada pembuatan fruit leather campuran nenas madu dan pepaya yang menghasilkan fruit leather dengan sifat fisik, kimia dan sensori yang baik. Penelitian ini disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) faktor tunggal dengan empat ulangan. Faktor yang dikaji yaitu konsentrasi tepung umbi suweg sebagai kontrol (T1) digunakan 1\% gum Arab, (T2) 1\% tepung umbi suweg, (T3) 2\% tepung umbi suweg, (T4) 3\% tepung umbi suweg, (T5) 4\% tepung umbi suweg dan (T6) 5\% tepung umbi suweg (b/b). Data yang diperoleh diuji kesamaan ragamnya dengan menggunakan uji Bartlett dan kemenambahan data diuji dengan uji Tuckey. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan sidik ragam untuk mendapatkan penduga ragam galat, data dianalisis lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan uji BNJ pada taraf 5\%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa fruit leather campuran nenas madu dan pepaya dengan konsentrasi tepung umbi suweg sebagai penstabil terbaik adalah perlakuan (T2) tepung umbi suweg 1\%. Karakteristik fruit leather perlakuan terbaik (T2) menghasilkan warna dengan skor 4.49 (suka), flavor dengan skor 4.35 (suka), tekstur dengan skor 4.07 (plastis), penerimaan keseluruhan dengan skor 4.37 (suka), kuat tarik 4.87 MPa , kadar air 11.04 \%, kadar abu 1.57 \%, kadar lemak 0.45 \%, kadar protein 1.86 \%, kadar serat kasar 5.83 \% dan kadar karbohidrat by different 79.25 \%. Kata kunci: fruit leather, nenas madu, pepaya, tepung umbi suweg, serat kasar The aimed of the research was to obtain the concentration of suweg flour in making fruit leather mixed honey pineapple and papaya to produce fruit leather with good physical, chemical and sensory properties. The research arranged in a Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with one factorial and four replications. The factors studied were the concentration of suweg flour, as a control (T1) used 1\% gum Arabic, (T2) 1\% suweg flour, (T3) 2\% suweg flour, (T4) 3\% suweg flour, (T5) 4\% suweg flour and (T6) 5\% suweg flour (w/w). The data obtained were analyzed for the similarity of variance with the Bartlett test and the addition of the data tested by the Tuckey test, the data were analyzed by variance to determine the effect between treatments. If there is a significant effect, the data is further analyzed by the Honest Significant Difference Test (HSD) at the level of 5\%. The results showed that fruit leather mixed honey pineapple and papaya were the best with concentration suweg flour as a stabiliser were T2 treatments (suweg flour 1\%). The best treatment of fruit leather (T2) produce color with a score of 4.49 (likes), flavour with a score of 4.35 (likes), texture with a score of 4.07 (plastic), overall acceptance with a score of 4.37 (likes), tensile strength 4.87 MPa , water content 11.04 \%, ash content 1.57 \%, fat content 0.45 \%, protein content 1.86 \%, crude fiber content 5.83 \% and carbohydrate by different 79.25 \%. Keywords: fruit leather, honey pineapple, papaya, suweg flour, crude fiber} }