<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n"^^ . "This study aims to analyze: (1) the competitiveness of Indonesian palm oil among\r\ncompeting countries; (2) the performance of Indonesian palm oil exports in the\r\ninternational market; (3) and the factors that affect the volume of exports of\r\nIndonesian palm oil to the international market. The Indonesian palm oil studied\r\nconsist of CPO (Crude Palm Oil) and OPO (Other Palm Oil). The analytical\r\nmethods used are (1) Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) index and Trade\r\nSpecialization Index (ISP); (2) Constant Market Share (CMS), and (3) Error\r\nCorrection Model (ECM) analysis. The results of the RCA analysis indicate that\r\nthe level of competitiveness of Indonesian CPO was the highest among countries\r\nin Malaysia, Colombia and Thailand. Indonesia's OPO power level was the\r\nsecond highest after Malaysia. The trade specialization index shows that\r\nIndonesian CPO was at the stage of net exporters and Indonesia's OPO was at the\r\nstage of expanding exports. The results of the CMS analysis show that the\r\nperformance of Indonesian CPO exports in the international market tends to\r\ndecline compared to the growth of exports of all world products. While the\r\nperformance of Indonesia's OPO exports in the international market tends to\r\nincrease compared to the growth of exports of all world products. Estimation\r\nresults of ECM analysis on the appearance of Indonesian CPO exports to India\r\nshow that in the long term and short term changes in international prices of palm\r\noil, Indian GDP, Indonesian RCA CPO values, and export taxes affect the\r\nchanges in the volume of Indonesian CPO exports to India. The estimation of the\r\nappearance of Indonesian CPO exports to the Netherlands shows that in the long\r\nrun the changes in Indonesian palm oil production, the international price of palm\r\noil, and the value of RCA CPO influence the change in the volume of Indonesian\r\nCPO exports to the Netherlands. In the short term, changes in Indonesian palm oil\r\nproduction, international prices of soybean oil, international prices of palm oil,\r\nDutch GDP, and the value of RCA CPO have an effect on changes in the volume\r\nof Indonesian CPO exports to the Netherlands.\r\nKeywords: CPO, competitiveness, ECM, export performance\r\n\r\nPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) menganalisis daya saing minyak kelapa sawit\r\nIndonesia diantara negara pesaing; (2) menganalisis kinerja ekspor minyak kelapa\r\nsawit Indonesia di pasar Internasional; (3) dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang\r\nmempengaruhi volume ekspor minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia ke pasar\r\nInternasional. Minyak kelapa sawit Indonesia yang diteliti terdiri dari CPO\r\n(Crude Palm Oil) dan OPO (Other Palm Oil). Metode analisis yang digunakan\r\nadalah (1) indeks Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) dan Indeks\r\nSpesialisasi Perdagangan (ISP); (2) Constant Market Share (CMS), dan (3)\r\nanalisis Error Correction Model (ECM). Hasil analisis RCA menunjukkan bahwa\r\ntingkat daya saing CPO Indonesia merupakan yang tertinggi diantara negara\r\nMalaysia, Colombia, dan Thailand. Tingkat daya OPO Indonesia merupakan\r\ntertinggi kedua setelah Malaysia. Indeks spesialisasi perdagangan menunjukkan\r\nbahwa CPO Indonesia berada pada tahap net eksportir dan OPO Indonesia berada\r\npada tahap perluasan ekspor. Hasil analisis CMS menunjukkan bahwa kinerja\r\nekspor CPO Indonesia di pasar Internasional cenderung menurun dibandingkan\r\ndengan pertumbuhan ekspor seluruh produk dunia. Sedangkan kinerja ekspor\r\nOPO Indonesia di pasar Internasional cenderung meningkat dibandingkan dengan\r\npertumbuhan ekspor seluruh produk dunia. Hasil estimasi analisis ECM terhadap\r\npenampilan ekspor CPO Indonesia ke India menunjukkan bahwa dalam jangka\r\npanjang dan jangka pendek perubahan harga internasional minyak sawit, GDP\r\nIndia, nilai RCA CPO Indonesia, dan pajak ekspor berpengaruh terhadap\r\nperubahan volume ekspor CPO Indonesia ke India. Hasil estimasi penampilan\r\nekspor CPO Indonesia ke Belanda menunjukkan bahwa dalam jangka panjang\r\nperubahan produksi minyak sawit Indonesia, harga internasional minyak sawit,\r\ndan nilai RCA CPO berpengaruh terhadap perubahan volume ekspor CPO\r\nIndonesia ke Belanda. Dalam jangka pendek, perubahan produksi minyak sawit\r\nIndonesia, harga internasional minyak kedelai, harga internasional min yak sawit,\r\nGDP Belanda, dan nilai RCA CPO berpengaruh terhadap perubahan volume\r\nekspor CPO Indonesia ke Belanda.\r\nKata Kunci: CPO, daya saing, ECM, kinerja ekspor"^^ . "2019" . . . . . "Universitas Lampung"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS PERTANIAN, Universitas Lampung"^^ . . . . . . . . . "1524021003"^^ . "MARIA ULFAH"^^ . "1524021003 MARIA ULFAH"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (File PDF)"^^ . . . "ABSTRAK.pdf"^^ . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (File PDF)"^^ . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (File PDF)"^^ . . . "TESIS TANPA BAB PEMBAHASAN.pdf"^^ . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR\r\nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA\r\n (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #57357 \n\nANALISIS DAYA SAING DAN KINERJA EKSPOR \nMINYAK KELAPA SAWIT INDONESIA \n\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "630 Pertanian dan teknologi yang berkaitan" . .