%A 1513034050 EVI SYARIFAH MS %T PEMETAAN DAERAH RAWAN BANJIR DI KECAMATAN PRINGSEWU KABUPATEN PRINGSEWU TAHUN 2018 %X Penelitian bertujuan mendeskripsikan lokasi, luasan parameter, tingkat rawan, dan faktor banjir. Metode penelitian menggunakan survei. Pengumpulan data observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan overlay dan skoring. Hasil penelitian: (1) Lokasi banjir di Kelurahan/Pekon Sidoharjo, Pringsewu Timur, Pringsewu Selatan, Pringsewu Utara, Pringsewu Barat, Podomoro, Pajaresuk. (2) Luasan parameter curah hujan <5mm/hari (3.209,91ha), lereng 0- 8% (4.377,77ha), jenis tanah Podsolik Merah Kuning (3.005,80ha), penggunaan lahan Permukiman (2.157,72ha). (3) Tingkat rawan banjir: tidak rawan, rawan, dan sangat rawan. (4) Faktor banjir karena lereng This study was aimed to describe the location, extent of parameters, level of vulnerability, and factors of flood. The research method used was survey. Data collection methods were observation and documentation. Data analyses used were overlay and scoring. The results of the study were: (1) Flood locations were in Kelurahan/Pekon Sidoharjo, East Pringsewu, South Pringsewu, North Pringsewu, Pringsewu Barat, Podomoro, Pajaresuk. (2) The extent of rainfall parameters were <5mm/day (3,209,9ha), slopes 0-8% (4,377,77ha), Red Yellow Podsolic soil types (3,005,80ha), Settlement land use (2,157,72ha). (3) Flood- prone levels were not vulnerable, vulnerable, and very vulnerable. (4) Flood factors were due to flat slopes and land conversion. Keywords: mapping, area, prone to flooding. %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2019 %I FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN %L eprints57406