@misc{eprints57512, title = {DESKRIPSI USAHA INDUSTRI TEMPE DI KELURAHAN JAGABAYA II KECAMATAN WAY HALIM KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG TAHUN 2018}, author = {1113034015 AYU GITA APRILIA}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN}, year = {2019}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/57512/}, abstract = {This study aims to examine the factors that support the sustainability of the tempe This study aims to examine the factors that support the sustainability of the tempe industry in Kelurahan Jagabaya II. The research method uses descriptive. The study population was 35 people. Data collection using interview techniques, questionnaires, and documentation. Descriptive data analysis techniques using frequency table analysis. The results showed: (1) All entrepreneurs stated the ease of raw materials was a supporting factor for the sustainability of the tempe industry. (2) As many as 82.8\% of entrepreneurs stated that capital was a supporting factor for tempe industry. (3) there are 62.8\% of employers stating that labor is a supporting factor for the sustainability of the tempe industry. (4) as much as 91.4\% of entrepreneurs stated fuel as a supporting factor for the sustainability of tempe industry. (5) as much as 80.0\% of entrepreneurs stated transportation facilities as a supporting factor for the sustainability of the tempe industry. (6) as much as 85.7\% of entrepreneurs stated marketing as a supporting factor for the sustainability of tempe industry. Keywords: description, supporting factor, tempe industry Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang faktor yang mendukung keberlangsungan industri tempe di Kelurahan Jagabaya II. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 35 orang. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisa tabel frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Semua pengusaha menyatakan kemudahan bahan mentah menjadi faktor pendukung keberlangsungan industri tempe. (2) Sebanyak 82,8\% pengusaha menyatakan modal sebagai faktor pendukung industri tempe. (3) terdapat 62,8\% pengusaha menyatakan tenaga kerja sebagai faktor pendukung keberlangsungan industri tempe. (4) sebanyak 91,4\% pengusaha menyatakan bahan bakar sebagai faktor pendukung keberlangsungan industri tempe. (5) sebanyak 80,0\% pengusaha menyatakan sarana transportasi sebagai faktor pendukung keberlangsungan industri tempe. (6) sebanyak 85,7\% pengusaha menyatakan pemasaran sebagai faktor pendukung keberlangsungan industri tempe. Kata Kunci: deskripsi, faktor pendukung, industri tempe } }