title: KONDISI SOSIAL EKONOMI KEPALA KELUARGA BATU BATA DI KELURAHAN RAJABASA RAYA KECAMATAN RAJABASA TAHUN 2018 creator: MUHAMMAD RENDHY ASYAHARY, 1313034056 subject: 302 Interaksi sosial description: The research is to aimed to find out the socio-economic condition of brick businessman’s family head in Rajabasa Raya Village. Variable of this research is the number of dependents, level of education the respondent’s children, the amount of income, and fulfillment of basic needs. This research used descriptive method with of 26 peoples. The data collecting technique were observation, structure interview, and documentation. The result showed that (1) 38,46 percent had 6 people dependents, (2) 67,81 percent had 53 children to continue their education to intermediate level, (3) 57,70 percent totaled 15 family head has less income than UMP (