@misc{eprints57836, title = {INCREASING STUDENTS? SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH BOARD GAME AT SECOND GRADE OF SMP N 22 BANDAR LAMPUNG}, author = {1513042047 Nola Noviyanti Agustin}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN}, year = {2019}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/57836/}, abstract = {Speaking is the productive skill of a language to express the idea or to send message to the listener. When the students spoke in English they did not explore their ability to speak up because they lacked of knowledge in speaking. Therefore, in order to minimize the students? problem in speaking, the researcher applied Board Game as media to improve the students? speaking ability. The objective of this research was to find out whether there was an increase or not in students? speaking ability after being taught through board game and to find out which aspect of speaking increased the most after being taught through board game. The subject of this research was one class consisted of twenty students of the second grade at SMPN 22 Bandarlampung in the academic year of 2018/2019. This research used one group pretest and posttest design by giving pretest, three treatments, and posttest. The instrument of this research was speaking test. There were two raters to score students? speaking utterances. The data in form of scores were analyzed by using Paired Simple T-test. The result of this research showed that the students? speaking ability significantly increased in the significant level .000. Besides, there was increase of students? pretest score to the posttest score (55.7 up to 69.4) after they were taught by using board game. It indicates that board game facilitates learners to increase the ability of speaking. The result also showed that fluency was the aspect that increased the most and pronunciation increased the least. It can be concluded that board game can be applied to students at SMP level to develop their speaking skill and recommended as one of references to teach English in speaking class.} }