@misc{eprints58040, title = {THE USE OF ANIMATION VIDEO TO IMPROVE STUDENTS? READING COMPREHENSION IN NARRATIVE TEXT TO THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF SMPN 1 LAHAT, SOUTH SUMATERA}, author = {1513042006 Dhea Fernanda}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN}, year = {2019}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/58040/}, abstract = {The objectives of this research were to find out whether there was an improvement on student?s reading comprehension after being taught by using animation video. This study was conducted through quantitative approaches, with a total of 30 eighth-grade students at SMPN 1 Lahat, South Sumatera. The data were collected by using a reading test. Data were analyzed by using Paired Sample t-test. The result shows that there is a significant improvement in the students? reading comprehension of pretest and posttest in which reference received the highest improvement and inference received the least. It could be seen from the mean score of pretest was 69.27 and the mean score of posttest was 80.42. It also could be seen from the result of Tvalue compared to Ttable in whichTvalue{\ensuremath{>}}Ttable (12,850 {\ensuremath{>}} 2.045). It can be concluded that animation video is effective to improve students? reading comprehension (p=0.000{\ensuremath{<}}0.05). Keywords: reading, reading comprehension, animation video.} }