@misc{eprints58111, title = {PENGEMBANGAN BUKU SISWA BERBASIS SCIENTIFIC APPROACH PADA MATERI SUHU DAN KALOR}, author = {1213022068 SELLA NOVIA ANGGRAINI}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN}, year = {2019}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/58111/}, abstract = {The objectives of this research were to develop and determine the attractiveness, convenience, usefulness, effectiveness of student books based on scientific approach on temperature and heat material. The development research method used in this study refers to the method development by Sugiyono, namely: Potential and problem analysis, Information collection, Product Design, Design validation, Design revision, Product testing, Product revision, Usage trial, Product revision, Mass production. The result from the application test which was conducted to 20 students in eleventh grade of SMA Al-Anshor Gadingrejo that student book based scientific approach on the subjects of temperature and heat were attractiveness, quite convenience, usefulness, and effective to be used as a learning media because the percentage of the students passing the KKM was 93,33\% Keywords: student book, scientific approach, temperature and heat Penelitian bertujuan mengembangkan dan mendeskripsikan kemenarikan, kemudahan, kemanfaatan, serta keefektifan buku siswa berbasis scientif approach materi suhu dan kalor. Langkah-langkah penelitian dan pengembangan mengacu pada Sugiyono (2017: 407) yang meliputi: potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan informasi, desain produk, validasi produk, revisi desain, ujicoba produk, revisi produk, ujicoba pemakaian, revisi produk, dan produksi massal. Hasil uji coba pemakaian yang dilakukan terhadap 20 siswa kelas XI SMA Al-Anshor Gadingrejo menunjukkan buku siswa berbasis scientif approach materi suhu dan kalor menarik, cukup mudah, bermanfaat, dan efektif sebagai media pembelajaran karena 93,33\% siswa tuntas KKM. Kata kunci: buku siswa, scientific approach, suhu dan kalor} }