%A 1542011047 DESTI WIJAYA %T ANALISIS KRIMINOLOGIS PENANGGULANGAN KEJAHATAN PENCEMARAN NAMA BAIK MELALUI MEDIA SOSIAL %X Defamation through social media is included in the category of cyber crime which is regulated in Act Number 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions. One example of the case is the crime of defamation in the Police Report Number: LP / B- 216 / II / 2017 / LPG / SPKT and has been decided by the Class IA District Court Tanjung Karang Case Number: 1281 / Pid.Sus / 2017 /PN.Tjk. The problems that exist in this study are: whether the factors causing the perpetrators to commit defamation crimes through social media and how to overcome the defamation crimes through social media. The study was conducted with a normative and empirical juridical approach. The data used in this study secondary data obtained from library materials, and field research carried out by observation and interviews (interviews), the data obtained were analyzed qualitatively juridically and deductively drawn conclusions. The results of research and analysis show that the causes of perpetrators of crimes of defamation through social media include intrinsic factors including: job environment, psychology which is seen from evil talents, personality, emotion which is a problem from the beginning of cases in the work environment and extrinsic factors include: social environment factors, intention and opportunity. Countermeasures against defamation crimes through social media are carried out using non-reasoning facilities and means of reasoning. The penal approach is carried out by using criminal law (ultimum remidium), which is carried out by means of legal remedies against criminal offenders through social media being processed according to the provisions of laws and regulations to the level of courts and executions to obtain criminal sanctions and guarantee legal certainty . The perpetrators of criminal acts of defamation through social media are processed by law based on the provisions of legislation up to the court level based on Case Verdict 5 Number: 1281 / Pid.Sus / 2017 / PN. Rp. 5,000,000 (Five Million Rupiah) provided that the unpaid fine is replaced by imprisonment for 2 (two) months in order to guarantee legal certainty The non-reasoning approach is carried out by counseling, socialization in order to develop social responsibility of citizens aware of crime defamation through social media, legal counseling and handling criminal objects. The suggestion in this study is that law enforcement officials can maximize criminal sanctions against perpetrators of criminal defamation through social media in order to be able to provide a deterrent effect and to suppress the factors causing criminal acts of defamation through social media. Keywords: Criminological Analysis, Crime, Defamation, Social Media. %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2019 %I FAKULTAS HUKUM %L eprints58348