<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE)"^^ . "Obstruction of justice merupakan suatu tindakan seseorang yang menghalangi\r\nproses hukum dan mengacaukan fungsi yang seharusnya dalam suatu proses\r\nperadilan. Tindakan obstruction of justice merupakan perbuatan melawan hukum\r\nyang menerabas dan menentang penegakan hukum. Secara normatif, tindakan\r\nmenghalang-halangi proses peradilan sudah diatur banyak dalam peraturan, baik\r\ndalam KUHP maupun dalam hukum pidana khusus. Perbuatan obstruction of\r\njustice kerap terjadi pada proses pra-adjudikasi; sebelum perkara dilimpahkan\r\nkepengadilan, baik di tingkat penyidikan, maupun tingkat penuntutan dan pada\r\ntahap adjudikasi yaitu tahap pemeriksaan di persidangan. Permasalahan dalam\r\nskripsi ini adalah: Apasajakah bentuk perbuatan menghalang-halangi proses\r\nperadilan (obstruction of justice) yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang\r\nPemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi? Bagaimanakah penegakan hukum pidana\r\nterhadap perbuatan menghalang-halangi proses peradilan (obstruction of justice)?\r\nPendekatan Masalah yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan\r\nyuridis normatif dan yuridis empiris. Sumber data: Studi kepustakaan dan studi\r\nlapangan. Analisis data: kualitatif. Narasumber: Jaksa pada Komisi\r\nPemberantasan Korupsi, Advokat pada Kantor Hukum Zul Armain Aziz &\r\nAssociates dan Hakim Tipikor pada Pengadilan Negri Jakarta Pusat.\r\nHasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa: bentuk perbuatan\r\nmenghalang-halangi proses peradilan (obstruction of justice) dimuat dalam empat\r\npasal, yakni Pasal 21, 22, 23 dan Pasal 24 Undang-Undang Pemberantasan Tindak\r\nPidana Korupsi. Perbuatan yang dapat dikatakan sebagai obstruction of justice\r\nharus memenuhi unsur delik, yaitu tindakan dapat menyebabkan tertundanya\r\nproses hukum, pelaku mengetahui tindakannya atau menyadari perbuatannya,\r\npelaku melakukan atau mencoba tindakan menyimpang dengan tujuan\r\nmengganggu atau mengintervensi proses atau administrasi hukum serta pelaku\r\nmemiliki motif untuk melakukan tindakan menghalangi proses hukum. Penegakan\r\nhukum terhadap norma ini dapat dilakukan melalui tiga tahap yaitu tahap\r\n\r\nii\r\n\r\nDhanty Novenda Sitepu\r\n\r\nformulasi, tahap aplikasi, dan tahap eksekusi.\r\n\r\nSaran dalam penelitian ini adalah diharapkan bentuk perbuatan menghalang-\r\nhalangi proses peradilan (obstruction of justice) lebih dirumuskan secara spesifik\r\n\r\ndalam Undang-Undang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Koruspsi sehingga\r\nterciptanya kesepahaman bersama antara aparat penegak hukum baik Hakim,\r\nJaksa dan Advokat. Selain itu, diharapkan aparat penegak hukum dalam\r\npenyelesaian perkara obstruction of justice dapat melaksanakan tugas secara baik,\r\nbertanggungjawab dan professional melalui tahapan penegakan hukum yaitu tahap\r\nformulasi, tahap aplikasi dan tahap eksekusi sehingga tujuan hukum untuk\r\nmemberikan kepastian, kemanfaatan serta keadilan kepada masyarakat dapat\r\ntercapai.\r\nKata Kunci : Penegakan Hukum Pidana, Perbuatan Menghalang-Halangi\r\nProses Peradilan, Obstruction of Justice.\r\nObstruction of justice is an act of someone who obstructs the legal process and\r\ndisrupts the functions that should be in a judicial process. An obstruction of\r\njustice is an act against the law which violates and opposes law enforcement.\r\nNormatively, actions to obstruct the judicial process have been regulated in many\r\nregulations, both in the Criminal Code and in special criminal law. Obstruction of\r\njustice often occurs in the pre-adjudication process; before the case is handed over\r\nto the court, both at the investigation level, and the level of prosecution and at the\r\nstage of adjudication, namely the examination stage at the trial. The problems in\r\nthis thesis are: What are the forms of obstruction of justice that are regulated in\r\nthe Law on the Eradication of Corruption? How does criminal law enforcement\r\nagainst conduct obstruct the trial process (obstruction of justice)?\r\nApproach Problems used in this study are normative juridical and empirical\r\njuridical approaches. Data sources: Literature studies and field studies. Data\r\nanalysis: qualitative. Speaker: Prosecutor at the Corruption Eradication\r\nCommission, Advocate at the Law Office of Zul Armain Aziz & Associates and\r\nCorruption Judge at the Central Jakarta District Court.\r\nThe results of the research and discussion show that: forms of conduct obstruct\r\nthe judicial process (obstruction of justice) contained in four articles, namely\r\nArticle 21, 22, 23 and Article 24 of the Law on the Eradication of Corruption\r\nCrimes. Actions that can be regarded as obstruction of justice must fulfill the\r\nelement of offense, namely actions can cause delays in the legal process, the\r\nperpetrator knows his actions or is aware of his actions, the perpetrator performs\r\nor tries to deviate with the intention of interfering with or intervening in the legal\r\nadministration obstructing the legal process. Law enforcement against this norm\r\ncan be done through three stages, namely the formulation stage, the application\r\nstage, and the execution phase.\r\n\r\niv\r\n\r\nDhanty Novemda Sitepu\r\nThe suggestion in this study is that it is expected that the form of action obstructs\r\nthe judicial process (obstruction of justice) is more specifically formulated in the\r\nLaw on the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption so that the mutual\r\nunderstanding between law enforcement officers, Judges and Advocates is\r\ncreated. In addition, it is expected that law enforcement officials in resolving\r\ncases of obstruction of justice can carry out their duties properly and\r\nprofessionally through the stages of law enforcement, namely the formulation\r\nstage, application stage and execution stage so that the legal objectives to provide\r\ncertainty, benefit and justice to the community can be achieved.\r\nKeywords: Criminal Law Enforcement, Acts Obstruct Judicial Process,\r\nObstruction of Justice."^^ . "2019" . . . . . "FAKULTAS HUKUM"^^ . . . . . . . "1512011134"^^ . "DHANTY NOVENDA SITEPU"^^ . "1512011134 DHANTY NOVENDA SITEPU"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (File PDF)"^^ . . . "ABSTRAK.pdf"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (File PDF)"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (File PDF)"^^ . . . "SKRIPSI TANPA BAB PEMBAHASAN.pdf"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "ANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP\r\nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN\r\n\r\n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #58355 \n\nANALISIS PENEGAKAN HUKUM PIDANA TERHADAP \nPERBUATAN MENGHALANG-HALANGI PROSES PERADILAN \n \n(OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE)\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "340 Ilmu hukum" . . . "345 Hukum pidana" . .