title: PERBEDAAN KAPASITAS FUNGSIONAL PARU MAHASISWA FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERISTAS LAMPUNG YANG MELAKUKAN LATIHAN AEROBIK JUMP ROPE DAN JOGGING creator: RAYNALDO LISIUS MARBUN, 1618011034 subject: 610 Ilmu kedokteran, ilmu pengobatan dan ilmu kesehatan description: Background: Students have busy activities so often forget to do exercises that cause declining body health. Jump rope and jogging exercises which are types of aerobic exercise are practical exercises that can improve the functional performance of the body especially the functional capacity of the pulmonary. Objective:.The purpose of this study is to determine differences in the functional capacity of the pulmonary of students who did jogging and jump rope. Methods: RCT research with 35 students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lampung which was divided into a control group and an intervention group. The intervention group had a jogging exercise dose: frequency 2 times a week, intensity 40% -90% HRR, time 30 minutes, aerobic type and jump rope exercise dose: frequency 4 times a week, intensity 70% -75% MHR, time 5 minutes, type aerobics. Results : The mean VO2 Max value of the exercise group was higher than the control group and had significant differences. The mean VO2 Max jump rope group was higher than the jogging group but there was no significant difference between them. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between the jump rope and jogging exercise groups but there were significant differences between the exercise training groups and the control group so that jump rope and jogging exercises were considered to increase VO2 Max. Keywords: Aerobics, Exercise, Jogging, Jump Rope, Pulmonary Functional Capacity. Latar Belakang: Mahasiswa memiliki aktivitas yang sibuksehingga sering lupa untuk melakukan latihan yang menyebabkan kesehatan tubuh menurun. Latihan jump rope dan jogging yang merupakan jenis olahraga aerobik merupakan latihan praktis yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja fungsional tubuh khususnya kapasitas fungsional paru. Tujuan: Tujuan peneltian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan kapasitas fungsional paru mahasiswa yang melakukan latihan jogging dan jump rope. Metode: Penelitian RCT dengan 35 subjek mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Lampung yang terbagi menjadi kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intevensi. Kelompok intervensi memiliki dosis latihan jogging: frekuensi 2 kali seminggu, intensitas40%-90% HRR, waktu 30 menit, tipe aerobik dan dosis latihan jump rope: frekuensi 4 kali seminggu, intensitas 70%-75% MHR, waktu 5 menit , tipe aerobik. Hasil : Nilai rerata VO2 Max kelompok latihan lebih tingi dari kelompok kontrol dan memiliki perbedaan bermakna. Nilai rerata VO2 Max kelompok jump rope lebih tinggi dari kelompok jogging tetapi tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara keduanya. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok latihan jump rope dan jogging tetapi terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok latihan olahraga dengan kelompok kontrol sehingga latihan jump rope dan jogging dinilaidapat meningkatkan VO2 Max. Kata kunci :Aerobik, Jogging, Jump Rope, Kapasitas Fungsional Paru, Latihan,. publisher: Fakultas Kedokteran date: 2020-01-30 type: Skripsi type: NonPeerReviewed format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/58592/1/ABSTRAK%20-%20Raynaldo%20Lisius%20M.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/58592/1/SKRIPSI%20FULL%20-%20Raynaldo%20Lisius%20M.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/58592/1/SKRIPSI%20TANPA%20PEMBAHASAN%20-%20Raynaldo%20Lisius%20M.pdf identifier: RAYNALDO LISIUS MARBUN, 1618011034 (2020) PERBEDAAN KAPASITAS FUNGSIONAL PARU MAHASISWA FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERISTAS LAMPUNG YANG MELAKUKAN LATIHAN AEROBIK JUMP ROPE DAN JOGGING. Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Lampung. relation: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/58592/