creators_name: Aufadhia, 1315021012 creators_id: type: other datestamp: 2022-04-19 07:14:34 lastmod: 2022-04-19 07:14:34 metadata_visibility: show title: KAJIAN SIMULASI FEM 3D: KEAUSAN PAHAT TWIST DRILL PADA PEMESINAN MICRO DRILLING MATERIAL Ti6Al4V ispublished: pub subjects: 620 full_text_status: restricted abstract: Titanium merupakan material yang memiliki rasio kekuatan terhadap berat yang baik, ketahanan korosi yang sangat baik dan tahan terhadap suhu tinggi ataupun rendah. Titanium memiliki banyak paduan titanium yang digunakan di berbagai bidang industri, salah satunya yaitu paduan Ti6Al4V. Pemesinan micro drilling memiliki kecepatan rotasi tinggi yang mengakibatkan keausan pahat, suhu tinggi dan kekasaran permukaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan simulasi Finite Element Method (FEM). Aplikasi yang digunakan yaitu DEFORM 3D berdasarkan parameter dari penelitian sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi progres aus pahat secara simulasi pada pemesinan micro drilling paduan Ti6Al4V dan menganalisa aus pahat pada pemesinan micro drilling paduan Ti6Al4V dalam kondisi pemesinan kering. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan progres aus pahat di pelubangan ke-5 sebesar 0,00346 mm, progres aus pahat di pelubangan ke-10 sebesar 0,00462 mm dan progres aus pahat di pelubangan ke-15 sebesar 0,00525 mm. Menganalisa aus pahat pada pemesinan secara simulasi dan pemesinan secara eksperimental di kondisi kering mendapatkan nilai aus yang tinggi. Keausan pahat disimulasikan dengan mengukur radius pahat di lubang ke- 15 senilai 0,09973 mm. Keausan pahat secara eksperimental diukur dari radius pahat di lubang ke-15 senilai 0,0101 mm. Mesh pahat berubah karena pengaruh aus pahat. Mesh pahat di lubang ke-5 bernilai 17372 mesh. Mesh pahat di lubang ke-10 bernilai 15662 mesh. Mesh pahat di lubang ke-15 berkurang banyak sebesar 13021 mesh. Aus pahat berpengaruh pada perubahan mesh pahat. Dengan bertambah aus pahat maka mesh pahat berkurang. Penyebab aus pahat selanjutnya suhu pahat pada proses pemesinan. Kata kunci : Simulasi, Ti6Al4V, Micro Drilling, dan Aus Pahat Titanium is a material that has a good strength to weight ratio, excellent corrosion resistance and resistant to high or low temperatures Titanium has many titanium alloys that are used in various industrial fields, one of them is the Ti6Al4V alloy. Micro drilling machining has a high rotational speed which results in tool wear, high temperatures and surface roughness This research uses Finite Element Method (FEM) simulation. The application used is DEFORM 3D based on parameters from previous studies. The purpose of this research is to identify the progress of tool wear in a simulated manner on the Ti6Al4V alloy micro drilling machining and analyze the tool wear on the Ti6Al4V alloy micro drilling machining under dry machining conditions. The results showed that the tool wear progress at the 5th hole was 0.00346 mm, the tool wear progress at the 10th hole was 0.00462 mm and the tool wear progress at the 15th hole was 0.00525 mm. Analyzing tool wear in simulated machining and experimental machining in dry conditions has a high wear value. Tool wear is simulated by measuring the radius of the tool in the 15th hole valued at 0.09973 mm. Tool wear is experimentally measured from the tool radius in the 15th hole valued at 0.0101 mm. The tool mesh is changed due to the tool wear. The tool mesh in the 5th hole is worth 17372 mesh. The tool mesh in the 10th hole is 15662 mesh. The tool mesh in the 15th hole was highly reduced by 13021 mesh. Tool wear affects the change in tool mesh. With increasing tool wear then tool mesh is reduced. The next cause of tool wear is the tool temperature in the machining process. Keywords : Simulation, Ti6Al4V, Micro Drilling, and Tool Wear date: 2020 date_type: published publisher: FAKULTAS TEKNIK place_of_pub: UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG citation: Aufadhia, 1315021012 (2020) KAJIAN SIMULASI FEM 3D: KEAUSAN PAHAT TWIST DRILL PADA PEMESINAN MICRO DRILLING MATERIAL Ti6Al4V. FAKULTAS TEKNIK, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. document_url: document_url: document_url: