creators_name: Beti Sudarniyati, Beti creators_id: type: thesis datestamp: 2015-04-06 04:41:44 lastmod: 2015-04-06 04:41:44 metadata_visibility: show title: PENGARUH CAHAYA MERAH JAUH (700-735 nm) TERHADAP BERAT SEGAR DAN KANDUNGAN KARBOHIDRAT TERLARUT TOTAL BUAH CABAI MERAH (Capsicum Annum L.) EFFECT OF FAR RED LIGHT(700-735 nm) ON FRESH WEGHT AND TOTAL SOLUBLE CARBOHYDRATE CONTENT OF RED CHILI FRUIT (Capsicum Annum L.) ispublished: pub subjects: General full_text_status: restricted abstract: ABSTRAK Pengaruh cahaya merah jauh terhadap berat segar dan kandungan karbohidrat terlarut total buah cabai merah telah diteliti dari bulan Januari-Febuari 2014 di Laboratorium Fisiologi Tumbuhan, Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Lampung. Penelitian dilakukan dalam percobaan faktorial 2x3 dengan faktor A : perlakuan cahaya merah jauh dengan 2 taraf: kontrol (tanpa cahaya merah ) dan perlakuan ( cahaya merah jauh). Faktor B adalah waktu pengamatan dengan 3 taraf : 4, 6 dan 8 hari setelah pembungkusan . Setiap kombinasi perlakuan diulang 6 kali. Perlakuan cahaya merah dilakukan dengan membungkus setiap buah yang telah dipetik dengan kombinasi 4 plastik berwarna biru, 1 lapis berwarna hijau dan 2 lapis plastik berwarna merah. Pengukuran transmisi kombinasi plastik tersebut dengan spektrofotometer pada panjang gelombang 700-735 nm adalah 75%. Setiap buah ditimbang dengan neraca analitik untuk penentuan berat segar. Kandungan karbohidrat terlarut total ditentukan berdasarkan metode fenol sulfur, dan dihitung berdasarkan kurva standar glukosa (mg/gram jaringan). Analisis ragam dilakukan pada taraf nyata 5%, dan jika interaksi nyata maka dilanjutkan dengan penentuan simple effect dengan uji F pada taraf nyata 5%. Rata-rata berat segar cabai yang diberi perlakuan lebih tinggi dari kontrol. Berat segar buah cabai merah relatif konstan selama pengamatan baik buah perlakuan maupun kontrol. Rata-rata kandungan karbohidrat buah perlakuan relatif tidak berbeda dari buah kontrol. Kandungan karbohidrat terlarut total meningkat 6 hari setelah perlakuan dan menurun 8 hari setelah perlakuan. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa cahaya merah jauh meghambat proses pematangan buah cabai merah dengan memperlambat penurunan berat segar. Kata kunci : Cabai merah, cahaya merah jauh, berat segar, karbohidrat terlarut ABSTRACT Effect of far red light on the fresh weight and total soluble carbohydrate content of red chili fruit was investigated on January-February 2014 in plant physiology laboratory, department of biology, faculty of mathematic and natural science, Lampung University. The research was conducted in factorial experiment with factor A: far red light treatment with 2 levels: control (without far red light), and treatment (far red light). Factor B was time of observation with 3 levels: 4, 6, 8 days after wrapping. Far red light treatnent was given by wrapping each detached fruit whit combination of 4 layers of blue color plastic, 1 layer of green color plastic and 2 layers of red color plastic. Transmitsssion measurement of that plastic combination whit spectrophotometer at wavelength 700-735 nm was 75%. Each fruit was weighted whit analytical balance to determent fresh weight. Total soluble carbohydrate content was determined by phenol- sulfuric method, and counted based on glucose standard curve (mg/gram tissue). Analysis of variance was conducted at 5% significant level, and if interaction was significant than continued with simple effect determination at 5% significant level by F test. The fresh weight average of soluble carbohydrate content of treated fruits was higher than control. The fresh weight of chili fruits was relatively constants during observation both treated and control fruits. The total soluble carbohydrate content average relatively did not differ between treated and control fruits. Total soluble carbohydrate content was increased 6 days after treatment and decreased 8 days after treatment. From the result of this research was concluded that far red light inhibited the ripening processs of chili fruits by slowed the decreased of fresh weight. Kata kunci : Red chili fruit, fresh weight, total soluble carbohydrate content, far red light. date: 2014-12-01 date_type: published institution: Universitas Lampung department: FT thesis_type: other citation: Beti Sudarniyati, Beti (2014) PENGARUH CAHAYA MERAH JAUH (700-735 nm) TERHADAP BERAT SEGAR DAN KANDUNGAN KARBOHIDRAT TERLARUT TOTAL BUAH CABAI MERAH (Capsicum Annum L.) EFFECT OF FAR RED LIGHT(700-735 nm) ON FRESH WEGHT AND TOTAL SOLUBLE CARBOHYDRATE CONTENT OF RED CHILI FRUIT (Capsicum Annum L.). Other thesis, Universitas Lampung. document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: