TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints59207 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/59207/ A1 - AMELISA NURZAHARA, 1516021019 Y1 - 2019/05/21/ N2 - Pelayanan pembuatan akta kelahiran dan kematian belum terlaksana dengan maksimal di Kabupaten Pringsewu, terdapat 122 penduduk yang meninggal dunia serta 16.935 anak usia 0-18 tahun yang belum mencatatkan kematian dan kelahiran. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis studi komparatif mengenai pelayanan akta kelahiran dan kematian yang diberikan oleh Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Pringsewu kepada masyarakat di 5 kecamatan dengan teori yang menyatakan bahwa jarak berkaitan erat dengan lokasi dan upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan termasuk pelayanan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk membandingkan kualitas pelayanan administrasi pencatatan akta kelahiran dan kematian, serta mengetahui apakah jarak dan capaian kepemilikan akta menentukan penilaian masyarakat dan fungsi manajemen Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Pringsewu. Penelitian ini menggunakan lima dimensi kualitas pelayanan yaitu tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, dan empathy, serta tiga fungsi manajemen yaitu planning, oranizing, actuating dan controlling. Tipe penelitian ini komparatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Masyarakat Kecamatan Adiluwih memberikan penilaian terendah pada pelayanan akta kelahiran dan kematian. Penilaian masyarakat atas pelayanan pencatatan akta kelahiran dan kematian ditentukan oleh jarak domisili masyarakat. Capaian kepemilikan akta kematian menentukan penilaian masyarakat tetapi capaian kepemilikan akta kelahiran tidak menentukan. Program kerja dan teknologi yang telah diterapkan tidak diiringi dengan kemampuan pegawai yang berdampak pada rendahnya respon pegawai. Fungsi manajemen organizing dan controlling belum berperan secara maksimal. Kata Kunci: Pencatatan Akta Kelahiran, Akta Kematian, Pelayanan. The service for making birth and death certificates has not been carried out maximally in Pringsewu Regency, 122 people died and 16,935 children aged 0-18 years who have not recorded deaths and births. This research uses a comparative study of the services of birth and death certificates given by the Population Service and Civil Registry Department of Pringsewu Regency to the community in 5 sub-districts with a theory that distance is closely related to location and efforts to fulfill needs including services. The purpose of the research was to compare the quality of administrative services for registering birth and death certificates and to find out whether the distance and achievement of ownership of the deed determine the community's assessment and management functions of the Population Service and Civil Registry Department of Pringsewu Regency. This research uses five-dimensional quality of service namely tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, as well as three management functions namely planning, organizing, actuating and controlling. This type of research is descriptive comparative with a qualitative approach. The results of this research indicate that the Adiluwih Subdistrict Society gave the lowest assessment of the services of birth and death certificates. Community assessment of the service for recording birth and death certificates is determined by the distance of the community's domicile. The achievement of the ownership of the death certificate determines the assessment of the community but the achievement of the ownership of the birth certificate does not determine. The work program and technology that have been implemented are not accompanied by the ability of employees to have an impact on the low response of employees. The functions of organizing and controlling management have not played a maximum role. Keywords: Registration for Birth Certificate, Death Certificate, Service PB - FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK TI - STUDI KOMPARASI KUALITAS PELAYANAN ADMINISTRASI PENCATATAN AKTA KELAHIRAN DAN KEMATIAN PADA DINAS KEPENDUDUKAN DAN CATATAN SIPIL KABUPATEN PRINGSEWU AV - restricted ER -