TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints59695 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/59695/ A1 - MURTY AYU TYASTINI, 1513053183 Y1 - 2019/// N2 - Keterampilan kreativitas peserta didik dalam pembelajaran di kelas V SD Negeri 1 Kedaton rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran project based learning terhadap keterampilan kreativitas peserta didik kelas V SD Negeri 1 Kedaton. Metode yang digunakan adalah preeksperimental dengan desain one-shot case study. Populasinya adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas V SD Negeri 1 Kedaton dan sampel penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas V SD Negeri 1 Kedaton dengan teknik pengambilan sampling non probability sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi dan dokumentasi, instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar observasi berupa rubrik penelitian. Analisis data menggunakan rumus regresi linier sederhana. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh model pembelajaran project based learning terhadap keterampilan kreativitas peserta didik kelas V SD Negeri 1 Kedaton tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Kata kunci : keterampilan kreativitas, pengaruh, project based learning. ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF PROJECT BASED LEARNING MODEL ON CREATIVITY SKILLS OF FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS IN SD NEGERI 1 KEDATON By MURTY AYU TYASTINI The problem in this study is the low creativity skills of students in learning in class V of SD 1 Kedaton. This study aims to determine the effect of project based learning learning models on the creativity skills of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 1 Kedaton. The method used is pre-experimental with a one-shot case study design. The population is all of the fifth grade students of SD 1 Kedaton and the research sample is the fifth grade students of SD 1 Kedaton with a non probability sampling sampling technique. Data collection techniques using observation and documentation techniques, research instruments using observation sheets in the form of research rubrics. Data analysis using a simple linear regression formula. This study concludes that there is the influence of the project based learning learning model on the creativity skills of fifth grade students of SD Negeri 1 Kedaton in the academic year 2018/2019. Keywords: creativity skills, effect, project based learning. PB - FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN TI - PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROJECT BASED LEARNING TERHADAP KETERAMPILAN KREATIVITAS PESERTA DIDIK KELAS V SD NEGERI 1 KEDATON AV - restricted ER -