%A 1713042033 Muhammad Farhan %T THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS? ACTIVITY IN PLAYING ENGLISH VIDEO GAMES AND STUDENT?S VOCABULARY MASTERY AT SMAN 1 BANDAR LAMPUNG %X The primary goals of this research are to find out the correlation between students? activity in playing English video games and students? vocabulary mastery. This research was conducted in SMAN 1 Bandar Lampung. The subject were 36 students of XI MIPA 2 as the subject of the research. Questionnaires and vocabulary test were used to collect the data. This research was using correlation through the application of quantitative methods by collecting the data from the test. The result of questionnaires showed that there were 20 students who had high level of playing English video games, 13 students had medium and 3 students had low. Meanwhile, the result of the vocabulary test showed that there were 2 students got outstanding level of vocabulary mastery. 18 students got good, 10 students got satisfactory, and 6 students got very weak. According to the result of the analysis and statistical calculation it is found that rxy is 0.604, which means there is significant correlation between students? activity in playing English video games and students? vocabulary mastery. Key Word : Correlation, Video Games, and Vocabulary Mastery. %C Universitas Lampung %D 2022 %I Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan %L eprints59925