@misc{eprints60463, title = {IDENTIFIKASI STRUKTUR GEOLOGI BAWAH PERMUKAAN DAERAH PANASBUMI SIPOHOLON BERDASARKAN ANALISIS SVD DAN PEMODELAN ANOMALI GAYABERAT}, author = {1615051006 Yovan Elzikrian}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS TEKNIK GEOFISIKA}, year = {2021}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/60463/}, abstract = {Daerah panas bumi Sipoholon merupakan salah satu daerah berpotensi panas bumi yang terletak di Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, Propinsi Sumatera Utara, dan berada pada zona patahan Sumatera dengan manifestasi permukaan berupa mata air panas, bualan gas dan solfatar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur patahan serta mengetahui zona prospek panasbumi di daerah penelitian berdasarkan analisis SVD dan pemodelan. Berdasarkan pengolahan yang dilakukan didapatkan anomali Bouguer daerah penelitian sebesar -105 mGal sampai -35 mGal. Selanjutnya untuk mendapatkan lebar jendela yang akan digunakan pada filter moving average dilakukan analisis spektrum agar mendapatkan kedalaman anomali residual 744 m dan kedalaman anomali regional 6963 m. Untuk dapat mengidentifikasi struktur patahan dilakukan analisis SVD dimana patahan yang teridentifikasi dominan berarah barat laut ? tenggara yang berada di tengah daerah penelitian, ada juga sesar berarah utara ? selatan di selatan daerah penelitian, sesar berarah timur laut ? barat daya di utara daerah penelitian, dan sesar berarah barat ? timur di barat daerah penelitian. Model 3D didapatkan dengan persebaran nilai densitas bawah permukaan berkisar antara 2,00 ? 3,00 gr/cm3 . Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan dan analisis data gayaberat terdapat tiga zona prospek yang diduga sebagai reservoar panasbumi yang berada di barat laut, barat daya, dan tenggara. Manifestasi panasbumi terdapat di barat laut, barat daya, tengah, serta sebelah tenggara daerah penelitian yang relatif mengikuti sesar dan terdapat batuan beku intrusif yang diperkirakan menjadi sumber panas yang memiliki memiliki nilai densitas antara 2,80 ? 3,00 gr/cm3 yang berada di bagian selatan dan timur dengan kedalaman {\ensuremath{>}} 1,5 km. Kata kunci :Gayaberat, Panasbumi, Second Vertical Derivative, Moving Average The Sipoholon geothermal area is one of the potential geothermal areas located in North Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra Province, and is in the Sumatran fault zone with surface manifestations in the form of hot springs, gas bubbles and solfatar. This study aims to identify the fault structure and determine the geothermal prospect zone in the study area based on SVD analysis and modeling. Based on the processing carried out, the Bouguer anomaly in the study area is -105 mGal to -35 mGal. Furthermore, to get the window width that will be used on the moving average filter, a spectrum analysis is carried out in order to obtain a residual anomaly depth of 744 m and a regional anomaly depth of 6963 m. To be able to identify the fault structure, an SVD analysis was carried out where the faults identified were dominant with a northwest-southeast trend in the middle of the study area, there was also a north-south trending fault in the south of the study area, a northeast-southwest trending fault in the north of the study area, and west-east trending fault in the west of the study area. The 3D model was obtained with the distribution of subsurface density values ranging from 2.00 ? 3.00 gr/cm3. Based on the results of modeling and analysis of gravity data, there are three prospect zones that are suspected to be geothermal reservoirs located in the northwest, southwest, and southeast. Geothermal manifestations are found in the northwest, southwest, central, and southeast of the study area which relatively follow the fault and there are intrusive igneous rocks which are estimated to be a heat source which has a density value between 2.80 - 3.00 gr/cm3 located at south and east with a depth of {\ensuremath{>}} 1.5 km. Keywords :Gravity, Geothermal, Second Vertical Derivative, Moving Average} }