title: ANALISIS ATRIBUT KEPENTINGAN DAN KINERJA PELAYANAN DIJOU COFFEEBAR DAN CAFÉ KIYO DI BANDAR LAMPUNG creator: Jenesya Afgiani Reza, 1654131011 subject: 630 Pertanian dan teknologi yang berkaitan description: ABSTRACT ANALYSIS OF ATTRIBUTES OF INTEREST AND SERVICE PERFORMANCE DIJOU COFFEEBAR AND CAFÉ KIYO BANDAR LAMPUNG By JENESYA AFGIANI REZA The purpose of this study was to identify the attributes of a coffee shop, both its importance and its performance as assessed by consumers. Furthermore, this study aimed to analyze the attributes of coffee shops whose performance needs to be maintained and improved. This research was conducted in two coffee shops in Bandar Lampung, namely Dijou Coffeebar and Cafe Kiyo. This study was done from August to September 2020. The sample was taken from the visitor population at the two coffee shops with a total sample of 35 respondents for each shop, or the total sample respondents were 70 people. The selection of 35 respondents in each shop was carried out in stages. First, the day and time of the interview were determined intentionally. Second, at each time the sample was selected randomly based on the table number. Each attribute of importance and performance was scored using a Likert scale. Data was collected by a questionnaire. Prior to study in two coffee shops, this questionnaire was tested for validity and reliability. Furthermore, these data were analyzed using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method. The results showed that of the 25 attributes of importance, there were 17 attributes in Dijou Coffebar and 18 in Cafe Kiyo, respectively. Furthermore, this study revealed that of the 25 satisfaction attributes, the numbers of satisfying attributes were 17 at Dijou Coffebar and there are 18 at Cafe Kiyo. Attributes whose performance must be maintained in both shops are coffee taste, coffee price, consistency of coffee taste, accuracy in recording menus, security, product assurance, cleanliness, employee courtesy, ease of payment, convenience of place and availability of tables and chairs. Attributes whose performance must be improved at Dijou Coffebar were speed of service, concern for customers, responsiveness to criticism and suggestions, availability of toilets and availability of wifi. Meanwhile, the attributes whose performance must be improved at Cafe Kiyo were the availability of wifi and the availability of parking spaces. Keywords: coffee shop, attributes, importance and performance ABSTRAK ANALISIS ATRIBUT KEPENTINGAN DAN KINERJA PELAYANAN DIJOU COFFEEBAR DAN CAFÉ KIYO DI BANDAR LAMPUNG Oleh JENESYA AFGIANI REZA Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi atribut-atribut kedai kopi, baik kepentingan maupun kinerjanya yang dinilai oleh konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis atribut-atribut kedai kopi yang kinerjanya perlu dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di dua kedai kopi di Bandar Lampung, yakni Dijou Coffebar dan Cafe Kiyo. Pelaksanaannya pada Agustus sampai dengan September 2020. Sampel diambil dari populasi pengunjung di kedua kedai kopi dengan jumlah sampel untuk tiap kedai sebanyak 35 orang responden, atau jumlah seluruh sampel adalah sebanyak 70 orang. Pemilihan 35 orang responden di tiap kedai dilakukan secara bertahap. Pertama, hari dan waktu wawancara ditentukan secara sengaja. Kedua, pada tiap waktu wawancara sampel dipilih secara random berdasarkan nomor meja. Tiap atribut kepentingan dan kinerja diskor menggunakan skala likert. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner. Sebelum penelitian di dua kedai kopi, kuesioner ini diuji dulu validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 25 atribut kepentingan, secara berturut-turut jumlah atribut yang penting ada sebanyak 17 atribut di Dijou Coffebar dan sebanyak 18 atribut di Cafe Kiyo. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 25 atribut kepuasan, secara berturut-turut jumlah atribut yang memuaskan ada sebanyak 17 di Dijou Coffebar dan ada sebanyak 18 di Cafe Kiyo. Atribut yang kinerjanya harus dipertahankan di kedua kedai yaitu cita rasa kopi, harga kopi, konsistensi rasa kopi, ketelitian mencatat menu, keamanan, jaminan produk, kebersihan, kesopanan karyawan, kemudahan pembayaran, kenyamanan tempat dan ketersediaan meja dan kursi. Atribut yang kinerjanya harus ditingkatkan di Dijou Coffebar yaitu kecepatan pelayanan, kepedulian pada pelanggan, ketanggapan kritik dan saran, ketersediaan toilet dan ketersediaan wifi. Sementara itu, Atribut yang kinerjanya harus ditingkatkan di Cafe Kiyo yaitu ketersediaan wifi dan ketersediaan tempat parkir. Kata Kunci : kedai kopi, atribut, kepentingan dan kinerja publisher: FAKULTAS PERTANIAN date: 2021 type: Skripsi type: NonPeerReviewed format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/60479/1/1.%20ABSTRAK%20%28ABSTRACT%29%20-%20JENESY.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/60479/2/2.%20SKRIPSI%20FULL%20-JENESY.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/60479/3/3.%20SKRIPSI%20TANPA%20BAB%20PEMBAHASAN%20-%20JENESY.pdf identifier: Jenesya Afgiani Reza, 1654131011 (2021) ANALISIS ATRIBUT KEPENTINGAN DAN KINERJA PELAYANAN DIJOU COFFEEBAR DAN CAFÉ KIYO DI BANDAR LAMPUNG. FAKULTAS PERTANIAN, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. relation: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/60479/