TY - THES ID - eprints60686 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/60686/ A1 - Fadhilah Ismi Bazai, 1820051006 Y1 - 2021/// N2 - Kontribusi rata-rata sektor pertanian selama lima tahun terakhir di Kabupaten Tanggamus adalah 44,13 persen, namun jumlah kontribusi setiap tahunnya terus mengalami penurunan. Penurunan terjadi karena alih fungsi lahan pertanian menjadi nonpertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keunggulan dan kinerja sektor pertanian, menganalisis keterkaitan sektor pertanian dengan sektor lain, menganalisis dampak injeksi investasi pemerintah dan swasta di sektor pertanian, dan menganalisis peranan sektor pertanian terhadap output pertanian di Kabupaten Tanggamus. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis location quotient, analisis shift share, analisis I-O, analisis dampak, dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sektor pertanian adalah sektor basis dan mampu berdaya saing di Kabupaten Tanggamus, akan tetapi memiliki pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lambat dibandingkan dengan Provinsi Lampung. Hubungan input dan output sektor pertanian paling besar adalah dengan sektor pertanian itu sendiri. Sektor pertanian bukan sektor yang memiliki keterkaitan paling kuat baik ke depan maupun ke belakang di Kabupaten Tanggamus. Berdasarkan dampak penyebarannya, sektor pertanian mampu mendorong pertumbuhan produksi sektor industri hilirnya, tetapi belum mampu menarik pertumbuhan sektor hulunya. Berdasarkan efek pengganda, sektor pertanian memberikan efek pengganda output dan pendapatan yang paling rendah. Injeksi pengeluaran pemerintah dan investasi swasta di sektor pertanian memberikan dampak yang tinggi terhadap sektor industri pengolahan baik dari segi output maupun pendapatan. Jumlah tenaga kerja dan belanja daerah di sektor pertanian berpengaruh nyata dan memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap pengembangan wilayah di Kabupaten Tanggamus. Kata kunci: input-output, location quotient, pengembangan wilayah, pertanian, shift share. The average contribution of the agricultural sector over the last five years in Tanggamus Regency is 44.13 percent, but the contributions each year continues to decline. The decline occurred due to the conversion of agricultural land into nonagricultural land. This study aims to analyze the advantages and performance of the agricultural sector, analyze the linkage between the agricultural sector and other sectors, analyze the impact of injection of government and private investors in the agricultural sector, and analyze the role of the agricultural sector on agricultural output in Tanggamus district. The data analysis methods used are location quotient analysis, shift share analysis, I-O analysis, impact analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the agricultural sector is the basic sector and is able to be competitive in Tanggamus district, but has a slow economic growth compared to Lampung Province. The relationship between inputs and outputs of the agricultural sector is greatest with the agricultural sector itself. The agricultural sector is not the sector that has the strongest forward and backward linkages in Tanggamus district. Based on the impact of its spread, the agricultural sector is able to encourage production growth in the downstream industrial sector, but has not been able to attract growth in the upstream sector. Based on the multiplier effect, the agricultural sector gives the lowest output and income multiplier effect. The injection of government spending and private investment in the agricultural sector has a high impact on the manufacturing sector both in terms of output and income. The number of labor and regional expenditures in the agricultural sector has a significant and positive effect on regional development in Tanggamus district. Key words: agriculture, input-output, location quotient, regional development, shift share. PB - Universitas Lampung M1 - masters TI - PERANAN SEKTOR PERTANIAN TERHADAP PENGEMBANGAN WILAYAH DI KABUPATEN TANGGAMUS AV - restricted ER -