@mastersthesis{eprints60822, title = {PEMODELAN DAN ANALISIS DINAMIK SUBMERGED FLOATING TUNNEL SEBAGAI SARANA PENYEBERANGAN ANTAR PULAU}, school = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, author = {NPM 1925021009 NURCAHYA NUGRAHA }, year = {2021}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/60822/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK PEMODELAN DAN ANALISIS DINAMIK SUBMERGED FLOATING TUNNEL SEBAGAI SARANA PENYEBERANGAN ANTAR PULAU Oleh NURCAHYA NUGRAHA Salah satu alternatif sarana penyeberangan antar pulau adalah Submerged Floating Tunnel (SFT). Meskipun memiliki banyak keunggulan, minimnya data analisis dinamik, membuat ragu banyak pihak terhadap teknologi ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang ada, belum ditemukan kajian tentang pengaruh radius kelengkungan SFT terhadap respon dinamik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh radius kelengkungan, diameter, konfigurasi tali tambat dan kedalaman instalasi struktur terhadap respon dinamik SFT. Diselidiki juga metode yang dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan dinamik SFT secara efisien. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara eksperimen dan numerik di Laboratorium Mekanika Struktur, Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Universitas Lampung pada bulan September 2020 - April 2021. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan mengukur gaya hidrodinamik yang diterima segmen tabung dengan variasi radius kelengkungan 400, 800, 1200 mm di dalam kolam pembangkit ombak. Hasil eksperimen dibandingkan dengan hasil simulasi yang diperoleh dari ANSYS. Dilakukan pemodelan struktur kontinu SFT secara matematik dengan variasi kedalaman dan konfigurasi tali tambat berdasarkan prototipe SFT yang berada di Danau Qiandao, China. Solusi numerik diperoleh dari penyelesaian menggunakan metode elemen hingga (FEM) dan metode superposisi mode (MSM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya hidrodinamik berbanding lurus dengan radius kelengkungan, gaya hidrodinamik berbanding terbalik dengan kedalaman lokasi pemasangan, gaya hidrodinamik berbanding lurus dengan diameter tabung. Semakin besar kemiringan tali tambat SFT, maka semakin kecil displacement yang terjadi. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, metode MSM lebih akurat dan efisien dibandingkan metode FEM. Kata kunci: SFT, radius kelengkungan, metode elemen hingga, metode superposisi mode ABSTRACT MODELING AND DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF SUBMERGED FLOATING TUNNEL AS INTER-ISLAND CROSSING MEANS By NURCAHYA NUGRAHA One alternative means of crossing between islands is the Submerged Floating Tunnel (SFT). Although having many advantages, the lack of dynamic analysis data has made many people doubt this technology. Based on the results of existing research, there has been no study on the effect of SFT radius of curvature on dynamic response. This study aims to determine the effect of radius of curvature, diameter, configuration of mooring lines and the depth of the structure installation on the dynamic response of SFT. Also investigated some methods that can solve dynamic SFT problems efficiently. The research was carried out experimentally and numerically at the Structural Mechanics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Lampung in September 2020 - April 2021. The experiment was carried out by measuring the hydrodynamic force received by the tube segment with variations in the radius of curvature, which is 400, 800, 1200 mm in a flume tank. The experimental results were compared with the simulation results obtained from ANSYS. Mathematical modeling of the continuous structure of the SFT with variations in depth and configuration of mooring lines was carried out based on the SFT prototype located in Qiandao Lake, China. The numerical solution is obtained from the finite element method (FEM) and mode superposition method (MSM). The results showed that the hydrodynamic force is directly proportional to the radius of curvature, the hydrodynamic force is inversely proportional to the depth of the installation location, the hydrodynamic force is directly proportional to the diameter of the tube. The greater the slope of the SFT mooring lines, the smaller the displacement that occurs. Based on the results obtained, the MSM method is more accurate and efficient than the FEM method. Keywords: SFT, radius of curvature, finite element method, mode superposition method} }