TY - UNPB ID - eprints60849 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/60849/ A1 - Dwi Hartatiningsih, 1923042003 Y1 - 2021/11/03/ N2 - Reading is one of the language skills that the students in language learning should master. However, many students find it challenging to learn it. Hence, the researcher tried to implement multicultural-based reading tasks in teaching reading. The objectives of this study are (1) to describe the condition of English reading tasks for learning reading in MTs.GUPPI Kresnomulyo and the school potential to develop the reading tasks, (2) to examine the effectiveness of multicultural-based reading tasks for learning reading, and (3) to explore the students? perception of the implementation of multicultural based reading tasks. The subjects of this research are 27 students of class VIIIC of Madrasah Tsanawiyah MTs.GUPPI Kresnomulyo Ambarawa, Pringsewu. The instruments used in this study are interviews and questionnaires. The data were analyzed by using frequencies and percentages and the Likert Scale. The research methodology employed is research and development (R & D) Borg and Gall (2003: 569) and Sugiyono (2009:298). The researcher adapted the framework of this study with eight steps. The product of this research is a syllabus of multicultural-based reading tasks. The research results show that (1) the condition of English reading tasks, mainly which are used in MTS.GUPPI Kresnomulyo, most students did not get much exposure to written English material for reading class. They read English only from the material given by their English teacher. It shows that the students lacked supplementary reading materials. The school?s potential factor in designing reading tasks is the plurality of students in language, culture, and ethnicity in this school. Therefore, the students want to get more sources on learning English reading materials which based on their daily life and related to their own culture, (2) multicultural-based reading tasks were developed by doing five steps as follows: collecting information, developing the tasks, validating the tasks, conducting tryout, and revising. It indicated that the tasks had met appropriateness to be implemented. Moreover, the researcher used a close-ended questionnaire to explore the students? perception of implementing multicultural-based reading tasks. The questionnaire results show that tasks are effective and beneficial for the students to learn reading. This is proven by the result of the percentage of each item of the questionnaire, which shows more than 70%. So, based on the result, it is concluded that multicultural-based reading tasks have met appropriateness to be implemented. Keywords: Multicultural-based reading tasks, developing, perception PB - Universitas Lampung M1 - masters TI - Developing Multicultural-Based Reading Tasks for the Eighth Grade Students of MTs. GUPPI Kresnomulyo Ambarawa AV - restricted ER -