@misc{eprints61070, title = {PERANCANGAN ONE STOP SERVICE TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER DENGAN PENDEKATAN ARSITEKTUR LAMPUNG}, author = { NPM. 1515012040 SAFIRA PALUPI PRATIWI D.}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS TEKNIK}, year = {2021}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/61070/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK PERANCANGAN ONE STOP SERVICE TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER DENGAN PENDEKATAN ARSITEKTUR LAMPUNG By Safira Palupi Pratiwi D. Pesatnya peningkatan komoditas pariwisata di Lampung tidak dibarengi dengan pembangunan fasilitas-fasilitas pengembangan pariwisata. Salah satunya yaitu pengembangan fasilitas pariwisata dalam penyediaan informasi bagi wisatawan berupa Tourist Information Center (TIC). Sedangkan tidak dapat dipungkiri informasi merupakan objek vital dalam pengambilan keputusan wisatawan ketika akan mengunjungi suatu objek wisata. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan fasilitas pemenuhan informasi berupa Tourist Information Center (TIC). Pengumpulan data penelitian dalam proyek perancangan TIC ini menggunakan metodologi observasi, wawancara dan studi literatur/dokumentasi. Sedangkan output akhir dalam perancangan berupa denah, tampak, dan visualisasi desain dengan metode render tiga dimensi. Sedangkan pendekatan Arsitektur Lampung yang digunakan pada perancangan ini dinilai dapat merepresentasikan ciri tradisional pada bangunan TIC dan mempertegas identitas bangunan. Kata kunci : Pariwisata, Arsitektur, Tourist Information Center, Arsitektur Lampung iv ABSTRACT ONE STOP SERVICE TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER WITH LAMPUNG ARCHITECTURAL APPROACH By Safira Palupi Pratiwi D. The rapid increase in tourism commodities in Lampung is not accompanied by the construction of tourism development facilities. One of them is the development of tourism facilities in providing information for tourists in the form of a Tourist Information Center (TIC). While it is undeniable that information is a vital object in making tourist decisions when visiting a tourist attraction. Therefore, information fulfillment facilities are needed in the form of a Tourist Information Center (TIC). The collection of research data in this TIC design project uses the methodology of observation, interviews and literature/documentation studies. While the final output in the design is in the form of floor plans, views, and design visualizations with three- dimensional rendering methods. Meanwhile the approach Lampung Architecture used in the design is considered to represent the traditional character of the building TIC and confirm the identity of the building. Keywords: Tourism, Architecture, Tourist Information Center, Lampung Architecture} }