%0 Generic %9 Masters %A I Nyoman Gali Darmawan, 1023012012 %D 2014 %F eprints:6133 %T EVALUASI MANAJEMEN TEACHING FACTORY PADA UNIT PRODUKSI TRAINING HOTEL SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN KRIDAWISATA BANDAR LAMPUNG %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/6133/ %X Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi manajemen teaching factory pada Unit Produksi Training Hotel Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Kridawisata Bandar Lampung dengan menggunakan model analisis CIPP (contet, input, process dan product), yang meliputi; (1) Mengevaluasi context manajemen teaching factory (2) Mengevaluasi input manajemen teaching factory (3) Mengevaluasi process manajemen teaching factory (4) Mengevaluasi product manajemen teaching factory pada unit produksi Training Hotel SMK Kridawisata Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian evaluasi, dengan model evaluasi CIPP, Informan penelitian terdiri dari Yayasan Krida Utama, unsur manajemen teaching factory dan pihak industri yang menjadi mitra SMK Kridawisata Bandar Lampung. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan wawancara, pengamatan dan dokumentasi. Data selanjutnya dianalisis secara evaluatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Evaluasi Context terdiri dari; a) Analisis kebutuhan kurang maksimal, dikarenakan pengelolaan teaching factory belum menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah. b) Dukungan budaya sekolah sangat baik, budaya industri; kebersihan, disiplin dan keramah tamahan diadopsi dengan baik oleh siswa. (2) Evaluasi Input terdiri dari; a) kepemimpinan yang diterapkan mendukung pelaksanaan teaching factory, b) Kurikulum, kurang maksimal, pedoman teaching factory belum dimuat dalam lampiran (anjuran Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan”. c) Akses dan mutu siswa baru, kurang maksimal, diperlukan kriteria khusus dalam penerimaan siswa baru. c) Mutu pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, kurang maksimal, diperlukan adanya peningkatan kualifikasi akademik bagi pendidik. d) Kecukupan efektifitas dan efesiensi sarana prasarana, sangat baik, sarana dan prasarana saling menunjang antara sekolah dan unit produksi. (3) Evaluasi Process terdiri dari; a) Perencanaan, kurang maksimal diperlukan penyusunan Rencana Kerja Sekolah mengenai teaching factory. b) Pelaksanaan, kurang maksimal, diperlukan adanya standar baku yang dijadikan pedoman pelaksanaan teaching factory. c) Pengawasan kurang maksimal, diperlukan adanya pengawasan dengan melibatkan stakeholder pendidikan (Kepmendiknas No. 044/U/2002). (4) Evaluasi Product, terdiri dari; a) Mutu kegiatan teaching factory mampu menciptakan budaya industri di sekolah dan salah satu sumber pembiayaan bagi sekolah. b) Kerjasama industri untuk memperluas lapangan kerja dilakukan melalui menjalin kemitraan dengan dunia industri perhotelan melalui program ”casual”. Kata Kunci: Evaluasi, Manajemen Teaching Factory The purpose of this study was to evaluate the management of teaching factory in Unit Production Hotel Training on vocational Kridawisata Bandar Lampung using CIPP (context, input, process and product) analytical models, they were: (1) Evaluating the management context of teaching factory (2) Evaluating the management inputs of teaching factory (3 ) Evaluating the management process of teaching factory (4) Evaluating the management product of teaching factory on production units Hotel Training Kridawisata SMK Bandar Lampung. This study used evaluation research approach of, and the CIPP was as the evaluation model. The informants of the research were Krida Foundation, elements of teaching factory management and the industry partner Kridawisata SMK Bandar Lampung. Data collection was conducted by interview, observation and documentation. The data was then analyzed by evaluative. The results showed that: (1) Evaluation of Context consists of; a) Analysis of need less than the maximum, because the teaching factory management have yet to implement the principles of School-Based Management. b) Support the school is very good culture, the culture industry; hygiene, discipline and hospitality adopted well by the students. (2) Evaluation of Input consists of; a) leadership that is applied to support the implementation of the teaching factory, b) curriculum, less than the maximum, the guidelines have not been published in a teaching factory attachment (recommended by the Directorate of Technical and Vocational Education ". c) Access and quality of new students, less than the maximum, required specific criteria in admissions The new. c) The quality of teachers and education personnel, less than the maximum, it is necessary to increase the academic qualifications for educators. d) Adequacy of the effectiveness and efficiency of infrastructure, very good, facilities and infrastructure support each other between the school and the production unit. (3) Evaluation Process consists of; a) Planning, preparation less than the maximum required Work Plan of the School teaching factory. b) Implementation, less than the maximum, it is necessary to standards guiding the implementation of the teaching factory. c) Supervision less than the maximum, it is necessary to control the education stakeholders involved (Kepmendiknas No. 044/U/2002). (4) Evaluation Product, consisting of; a) The quality of teaching factory activity capable of creating industrial culture in the school and one of the sources of funding for schools. b) Cooperation industry to expand jobs done through a partnership with the hospitality industry through the "casual". Keywords: Evaluation, Management Teaching Factory