@misc{eprints61476, month = {September}, title = {PRARANCANGAN PABRIK NATRIUM DIFOSFAT HEPTAHIDRAT DARI ASAM FOSFAT DAN NATRIUM KARBONAT DENGAN KAPASITAS 57.000 TON/TAHUN}, author = {1415041039 Naftalia Ariska M Br Bangun}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {Fakultas Teknik}, year = {2021}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/61476/}, abstract = {Natrium Difosfat Heptahidrat merupakan salah satu produk industri kimia yang digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan pencelup tekstil, detergen, pembuatan warna, pengolahan air, industri kertas, bahan pelindung api dan lain sebagainya. Pembuatan Natrium Difosfat Heptahidrat dalam skala besar dengan kapasitas 57.000 Ton/Tahun degan bahan baku Asam Fosfat diperoleh dari PT. Petrokimia Gresik dan Natrium Karbonat diimpor dari China?s Tianjin Soda yang berlokasi di Kota Tianjin, Cina. Lokasi pabrik direncanakan didirikan di Kabupaten Gresik, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Bentuk perusahaan adalah Perseroan Terbatas (PT) yang dipimpin oleh seorang Direktur Utama dibantu oleh Direktur Produksi dan Direktur Keuangan menggunakan struktur organisasi line dan staff dengan jumlah karyawan sebanyak 146 orang. Analisa kelayakan Perancangan Pabrik Natrium Difosfat Heptahidrat sebagai berikut Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) = Rp 1.346.994.856.459,- Working Capital Investment (WCI) = Rp 237.704.974.669,- Total Capital Investment (TCI) = Rp 1.584.699.831.128,- Break Even Point (BEP) = 46,72 \% Pay Out Time after Taxes (POT)a = 2.42 years Return on Investment before Taxes (ROI)b = 33,33 \% Return on Investment after Taxes (ROI)a = 26,66 \% Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) = 36,02 \% Shut Down Point (SDP) = 28,09 \% Mempertimbangkan paparan di atas, sudah selayaknya pendirian pabrik Natrium Difosfat Heptahidrat ini dikaji lebih lanjut, karena merupakan pabrik yang menguntungkan dan mempunyai masa depan yang baik. Sodium Diphosphate Heptahydrate is one of chemical industry products that is used as a raw material for making textile dyes, detergents, color making, water treatments, paper industry, fire protection materials and so on. The manufacture of Sodium Diphosphate Heptahydrate on a large-scale with 57,000 Tons/Year capacity with Phosphoric Acid as raw material obtained from PT. Petrochemical Gresik and Sodium Carbonate are imported from China's Tianjin Soda in Tianjin City, China. The factory is planned to be established in Gresik Regency, East Java Province. The form of the company is a Limited Liability Company (PT) led by a President Director assisted by a Production Director and a Finance Director using a line and staff organizational structure with a total of 146 employees. Feasibility analysis of Sodium Diphosphate Heptahydrate Plant Design as follows: Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) = IDR 1.346.994.856.459,- Working Capital Investment (WCI) = IDR 237.704.974.669,- Total Capital Investment (TCI) = IDR 1.584.699.831.128,- Break Even Point (BEP) = 46,72 \% Pay Out Time after Taxes (POT)a = 2.42 years Return on Investment before Taxes (ROI)b = 33,33 \% Return on Investment after Taxes (ROI)a = 26,66 \% Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) = 36,02 \% Shut Down Point (SDP) = 28,09 \% Considering the above explanation, it is appropriate that the establishment of this Sodium Diphosphate Heptahydrate plant should be studied further, because it is a profitable factory and has a good future.} }