%A 1714201002 Aprilia Indah Marta Riani %T KEANEKARAGAMAN KERANG (Bivalvia sp.) DI SEPANJANG PANTAI WISATA KERANG MAS, DESA MUARA GADING MAS, KECAMATAN LABUHAN MARINGGAI, LAMPUNG TIMUR %X Bivalvia hidup dan tersebar luas di seluruh pesisir perairan Indonesia. Bivalvia memiliki ekosistem hidup di perairan dangkal seperti pantai, ekosistem lamun, alga dan terumbu karang. Bivalvia sering dijumpai di pesisir timur yaitu tepatnya di lokasi penelitian Pantai Kerang Mas di Desa Muara Gading Mas, Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai, Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Daerah tersebut memiliki garis pantai yang cukup panjang dengan substrat pasir yang terdapat banyak sekali bivalvia, sehingga menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi wisatawan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis keanekaragaman spesies bivalvia dan kondisi fisika kimia perairan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah purposive sampling dan menggunakan analisis data kelimpahan spesies, indeks keanekaragaman spesies, serta indeks dominansi. Hasil dari analisis keanekaragaman kerang (bivalvia sp.) di pasir Pantai Wisata Kerang Mas, didapatkan hasil data bahwa tidak ada jenis spesies bivalvia yang mendominansi karena nilai indeks dominansi sebesar 0,08 ? 0,16 termasuk pada kategori rendah (00,000,6), nilai kelimpahan spesies tertinggi pada stasiun 1 yakni 4787,01 ind/m3 dan nilai kelimpahan spesies terendah pada stasiun 3 yakni 138,75 ind/m3 . Hasil dari pengukuran fisika kimia menunjukkan masih berada pada kisaran standar baku mutu air laut. Hubungan keanekaragaman bivalvia menunjukkan korelasi positif terhadap parameter salinitas, ukuran butir sediment, dan TSS. Sedangkan, korelasi negatif unutuk parameter DO, pH dan suhu. Kata Kunci: Bivalvia, dominansi, fisika dan kimia, keanekaragaman. Bivalvias are live and widely spread throughout the coast of the indonesian waters. They inhabitate in shallow waters such as beaches, seagrass ecosystems, algae and coral reefs. Often, bivalves are found on the east coast, at the exact location of the research on the Pantai Kerang Mas in Desa Muara Gading Mas, Labuhan Maringgai regency, East Lampung. The long coastline in the area with plenty of sand substrate providing lots of bivalves becomes a particular attraction for tourists. The purpose of the research was to analyze both the species diversities of bivalves and physical also chemical conditions of the waters. The research methodology used purposive sampling method analysis of species abundance data, diversity index, and index dominance. From the result of the bivalve diversities on the coast, it was found out that there was no dominating bivalve amongst them due to below normal dominating rate that is 0.08-0.16 to be considered low level (00.000.6). The highest abundance value at station 1 was 4787.01 ind / m3 and the lowest species abundance value at station 3 is138.75 ind / m. From the results of the chemical physics measurements, it showed that it still was in the range of sea water quality standards. The Bivalve diversity relationship showed a positive correlation to the parameters of salinity, grain size, and sediment TSS. Meanwhile, it showed negative correlation for parameters DO, pH and temperature. Keywords: Bivalvia, diversity, dominance, physics and chemistry %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2021 %I FAKULTAS PERTANIAN %L eprints61600