@misc{eprints61704, month = {September}, title = {PERFORMA PEMIJAHAN IKAN LELE MUTIARA Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) DENGAN INDUKSI EKSTRAK KELENJAR HIPOFISA IKAN PATIN Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878) YANG DIAWETKAN DALAM ASETON}, author = {1614111013 DIO VINSKI AQUARDO}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {Fakultas Pertanian}, year = {2021}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/61704/}, abstract = {Salah satu masalah dalam pembenihan ikan lele mutiara (Clarias gariepinus) ya- itu ketidakmampuan ikan untuk memijah secara spontan. Selain itu, ikan lele me- miliki pola pemijahan musiman khususnya musim penghujan. Hal ini berakibat pada produktivitas dan kualitas benih lele yang relatif rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh penyuntikan kelenjar hipofisa ikan patin yang diawetkan dalam aseton terhadap performa pemijahan ikan lele. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap ( RAL) dengan 4 per-lakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan penyuntikan ekstrak kelenjar hipofisa yaitu 0, 200, 300, dan 400 mg/kg induk ikan. Pemijahan menggunakan perbandingan in-duk jantan: beti- na adalah 1 : 1. Pengambilan kelenjar hipofisa pada pukul 11.30 dengan cara me- mbedah kepala ikan patin berjumlah 347 kepala dan mendapatkan kelenjar hipo- fisa sebanyak 2,14 g. Pengawetan kelenjar hipofisa menggunakan aseton 90\% di- lakukan pada pukul 17.30 WIB. Penyuntikan ekstrak kelenjar hipofisa tersebut dilakukan pada pukul 19:30 WIB dan pukul 04:00 WIB dilakukan striping, pada induk jantan dilakukan pembedahan sperma. Hasil penelitian menunjukan penyu- ntikan ekstrak kelenjar hipofisa ikan patin meningkatkan performa pemijahan, pa- da fekunditas mencapai 31.357 {$\pm$} 12.265 butir/kg induk dibandingkan kontrol 8.468 {$\pm$} 3.204 butir/kg induk, persentase pembuahan 65 {$\pm$} 4\% dibandingkan de- ngan kontrol 46 {$\pm$} 8\%, persentase penetasan telur 74 {$\pm$} 14\% dibandingkan kontrol 53 {$\pm$} 5\% dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup larva ikan lele 81 {$\pm$} 10\% dibandingkan dengan kontrol 67 {$\pm$} 12\%. Kata kunci : ikan lele, penyuntikan, kelenjar hipofisa, limbah kepala patin. One of the problems in breeding african catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is the inabi- lity of fish to spawn spontaneously. In addition, catfish have seasonal spawning patterns, especially the rainy season. This has an impact on the productivity and quality of the seeds which are relatively low. The purpose of this study was to stu- dy the effect of induced with acetone preserved pituitary extract of striped catfish on the spawning performance of catfish. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 designs and 3 replications. Treatments for injection of pitu- itary gland extract were 0, 200, 300, and 400 mg/kg brood fish. Spawning using the ratio of male : female parent is 1: 1. Pituitary gland collection at 11.30 by ta- king the head of catfish which collected 347 heads and obtained 2.14 g of pituitary gland. Preservation using acetone 90\% was carried out at 17.30 WIB. The pituita- ry gland extract was injected at 19:30 WIB and at 04:00 WIB striping, sperm sur- gery was performed on the male parent. The results showed that the injection of catfish pituitary gland extract increased spawning performance, the fecundity rea- ched 31.357 {$\pm$} 12,265 eggs/kg broodstock compared with 8,468 {$\pm$} 3,204 eggs/kg bro-odstock, the percentage of fertilization was 65 {$\pm$} 4\% compared with to control 46 {$\pm$} 8\%, the percentage of hatching eggs was 74 {$\pm$} 14\% with control 53 {$\pm$} 5\% and larval rates of catfish 81 {$\pm$} 10\% with control 67 {$\pm$} 12\%. Keywords : catfish, injecting, hypophysic gloves, patin head waste.} }