%0 Generic %A Della Egidia Goeba, 1757031008 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2021 %F eprints:62104 %I FAKULTAS MIPA %T PENENTUAN DAN INTERPRETASI FUNGSI KANONIK MULTIVARIAT DENGAN TEKNIK ANALISIS KORELASI KANONIK %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/62104/ %X ABSTRACT DETERMINATION AND INTERPRETATION OF MULTIVARIATE CANONIC FUNCTIONS WITH CANONIC CORRELATION ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES By DELLA EGIDIA GOEBA Canonical correlation analysis is a multivariate statistical method that is used to examine and measure the level of linear relationship between two sets of variables, the set of dependent variables (Y) and the set of independent variables (X). This study focuses on getting the canonical correlation coefficient value between the linear combination of the set of dependent variables and the set of independent variables, determining the canonical function, testing the canonical correlation significance simultaneously and partially, explaining the magnitude of variance proportion of each variable, and interpreting the canonical function based on canonical weight, canonical loadings, and canonical cross-loadings. The data used is the set of variables of the Farmer's Exchange Rate Index (Y) which consists of 2 variables and the set of variables of the Farmer's Exchange Rate (X) which consists of 6 variables. Based on the analysis, it was found that the assumptions of multivariate normality, non multicollinearity, and linearity are fulfilled. There are 2 canonical functions formed, the first function has a correlation coefficient of 0.896 with a variance proportion of 95.02% and the second function has a correlation coefficient of 0.420 with a variance proportion of 4.98%. The results of the significance test shows that only the first function can be interpreted. Based on canonical weights, canonical loadings, and canonical cross-loadings, the order of contributions to the dependent canonical variables is