%0 Generic %A Muhammad Ilhan Imanudin, 1417011078 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2021 %F eprints:62380 %I FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM %T STUDI AKTIVITAS FOTOKATALITIK NANOKATALIS Ni0,7V0,3Fe2O4 PADA FOTODEGRADASI ZAT WARNA REMAZOL GOLDEN YELLOW %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/62380/ %X A photodegradation study of Remazol Golden Yellow (RGY) dye under visible and sunlight is carried out using Ni0,7V0,3Fe2O4 nano catalyst calcined at 600 and 800°C. The purpose of this study is to examine the photodegradation performance of those catalysts for RGY dye using visible and sunlight. The catalyst obtained was characterized by FTIR and XRD instruments. Then, the photodegradation result was analysed using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results of the catalyst calcined at 600°C using both visible and sunlight were 33.4 and 29.5%, respectively. For the catalyst calcined at 800°C , the result was 34.1 and 32.3%, respectively. By running the second experiment using the used sample of RGY dye and a fresh catalyst, the photodegradation result of the catalyst calcined at 600°C using both visible and sunlight was 46.9 and 42.8%, respectively. For catalyst calcined at 800°C, the result is 48.3 and 45.5%, respectively. Based on those results, it can be said that the activity of the catalyst calcined at 800°C is better than that of calcined at 600°C. In addition to those results, photodegradation performance is better going on under visible light. Keywords: Photodegradation, Nanocatalyst, UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Remazol Golden Yellow Telah dilakukan penelitian fotodegradasi pewarna tekstil Remazol golden yellow menggunakan nanokatalis Ni0,7V0,3Fe2O4 Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Menguji nanokatalis Ni0,7V0,3Fe2O4 terhadap unjuk kerja fotokatalis fotodegradasi zat warna remazol golden yellow dengan sinar visible dan sinar matahari. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis serta karakterisasi katalis menggunakan FTIR dan XRD. Hasil fotodegradasi zat warna remazol golden yellow menggunakan lampu visible dan matahari menggunakan nanokatalis Ni0,7V0,3Fe2O4 terkalsinasi 600°C masing-masing 33,4% dan 29,5% pada percobaan pertama dan 46,89% dan 42,79% pada percobaan kedua. Dan hasil fotodegradasi zat warna remazol golden yellow menggunakan lampu visible dan matahari menggunakan nanokatalis Ni0,7V0,3Fe2O4 terkalsinasi 800°C masing-masing 34,06% dan 32,33% pada percobaan pertama dan 48,31% dan 45,49% pada percobaan kedua. Ni0,7V0,3Fe2O4 terkalsinasi 800°C lebih baik dalam fotodegradasi remazol golden yellow dibandingkan Ni0,7V0,3Fe2O4 terkalsinasi 600°C hal ini ditunjukkan dengan persen penurunan konsentrasi terlarut yang terdapat pada Remazol golden yellow setelah dilakukan fotodegradasi Kata Kunci : Fotodegradasi, Nanokatalis, Spektrofotometer UV-Vis, Remazol Golden Yellow