@misc{eprints62531, title = {EFEKTIVITAS OVITRAP TERHADAP NYAMUK AEDES AEGYPTI DI KELURAHAN KEMILING RAYA KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG DAN KERENTANAN LARVANYA TERHADAP TEMEPHOS}, author = {1717021036 IIN INDRIYANI}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM}, year = {2021}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/62531/}, abstract = {Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat, yang disebabkan oleh Virus Dengue. Di Indonesia kasus DBD masih tinggi, khususnya di Lampung, salah satu kota dengan angka kasus DBD yang masih tinggi adalah Bandar Lampung. Dari berbagai hasil penelitian diketahui ovitrap memiliki fungsi monitoring serta pengendalian Aedes sp. Upaya pengendalian vektor nyamuk Ae. aegypti banyak dilakukan baik secara alami ataupun dengan cara kimia, cara kimia paling umum digunakan adalah penggunaan temephos. Penggunaan insektisida kimia seperti temephos secara terus menerus dapat menyebabkan resistensi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui efektivitas ovitrap di dalam dan luar rumah, mengetahui ovitrap index, serta status kerentanan larva nyamuk Ae. aegypti terhadap temephos di Kelurahan Kemiling Raya Kota Bandar Lampung. Penelitian dilakukan bulan Februari-April 2021. Ovitrap diletakkan di 142 rumah di dalam dan luar rumah, hasil telur dihitung, dipelihara dan diuji kerentananya. Bahan yang digunakan larva instar III hasil pemeliharaan hingga F1. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 4 kali ulangan, menggunakan 25 larva pada tiap gelas dengan larutan temephos 0,02 mg/L dalam 250 mL air dibiarkan kontak uji selama 1 jam dan masa pemulihan selama 24 jam. Hasil yang di dapat 83,10\% rumah terdapat telur pada ovitrap dan 16,90\% tidak ada telur, jumlah telur pada ovitrap di luar rumah (57\%) lebih banyak dari dalam rumah (43\%) serta ovitrap index yang didapatkan adalah 72,5\%, persentase kematian 99\% dan menurut WHO (1981) masuk kategorikan rentan. Kata kunci : Aedes aegypti, insektisida, ovitrap, temephos, kerentanan Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is one of the public health problems, which is caused by the Dengue Virus. In Indonesia, dengue cases are still high, especially in Lampung, one of the city with a high number of dengue cases is Bandar Lampung. From various research results, it is known that ovitrap has the function of monitoring and controlling Aedes sp. Efforts to control the mosquito vector of Ae. aegypti is mostly done either naturally or chemically, the most commonly used chemical method is the use of temephos. The continuous use of chemical insecticides such as temephos can cause resistance. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of ovitrap inside and outside the home, to determine the ovitrap index, and the susceptibility status of Ae. aegypti against temephos in Kemiling Raya Village, Bandar Lampung City. The study was conducted in February-April 2021. Ovitraps were placed in 142 houses inside and outside the house, egg yields were counted, maintained and tested for susceptibility. Materials used for larvae instar III reared up to F1. The study was carried out with 4 replications, using 25 larvae in each glass with a solution of temephos 0,02 mg/L in 250 mL of water and allowed to contact the test for 1 hour and the recovery period for 24 hours. The results obtained were 83,10\% of the house contained eggs in the ovitrap and 16,90\% had no eggs, the number of eggs in the ovitrap outside the home (57\%) was more than inside the house (43\%) and the ovitrap index obtained was 72,5\%, the percentage of deaths is 99\% and according to WHO (1981) it is categorized as vulnerable. Keywords: Aedes aegypti, insecticide, ovitrap, temephos, susceptibility} }