@phdthesis{eprints62589, title = {PENGEMBANGAN LKPD MENULIS CERPEN BERBASIS NILAI- NILAI KEARIFAN LOKAL UNTUK SISWA SMA KELAS XI}, school = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, author = {1723041021 Ria Anggraini}, year = {2021}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/62589/}, abstract = {Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan pengembangan LKPD menulis cerpen berbasis nilai-nilai kearifan lokal pada peserta didik SMA kelas XI dan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan kelayakan LKPD menulis cerpen berbasis nilai-nilai kearifan lokal masyarakat Lampung. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode pengembangan atau research and development (R \& D). Sugiono (2010 : 279) menjelaskan bahwa metode penelitian pengembangan atau research and development (R \& D) adalah metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan produk tertentu dan menguji keefektifan produk tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan di SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung, SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung, dan SMAN 15 Bandar Lampung. Data hasil uji coba berupa data deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data deskriptif kualitatif berupa data verbal mengenai komentar, saran dan kritik dalam angket dan catatan ketika uji coba. Data kuantitatif berupa skor yang terdapat pada angket terkait kelayakan dan kemenarikan bahan ajar yang dikembangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan LKPD menulis cerpen berbasis nilai-nilai kearifan lokal untuk peserta didik SMA kelas XI sangat diperlukan dalam pembelajaran di kelas oleh guru dan siswa. Pengembangan LKPD dilakukan dengan tahapan pendefinisian, perencanaan dan pengembangan. Isi LKPD yang telah dikembangkan berisi sampul, daftar isi, deskripsi LKPD, tujuan pembelajaran, kompetensi inti, kompetensi dasar, sajian isi LKPD, peta konsep, muatan materi, latihan, dan daftar rujukan. Pengembangan LKPD yang sudah dilakukan dan dinyatakan layak diproduksi sebagai salah satu bahan ajar selanjutnya LKPD diberikan kepada pihak sekolah yang menjadi tempat penelitian melalui guru bahasa Indonesia. Kelayakan LKPD menulis cerpen berbasis nilai- nilai kearifan lokal untuk peserta didik SMA kelas XI secara umum layak digunakan. Validasi yang dilakukan oleh ahli materi dengan nilai 77 dan validasi oleh guru SMAN 15 Bandarlampung menyatakan sangat layak digunakan dengan nilai 92\%, sedangkan validasi dari guru SMAN 2 Bandarlampung juga menyatakan layak digunakan dengan persentase 86\%, dan validasi dari guru SMAN 3 Bandarlampung menyatakan LKPD sangat layak digunakan dengan skor 87,75\%. Rata-rata persentase keseluruhan yaitu 88,58\%. Kata kunci: LKPD, Menulis Cerpen, Kearifan Lokal The purpose of the study was to identify and describe the development of LKPD writing short stories based on local wisdom values in class XI high school students and to determine and describe the feasibility of LKPD writing short stories based on local wisdom values of the Lampung people. The research method uses the method of development or research and development (R \& D). Sugiono (2010: 279) explains that the research and development (R \& D) method is a research method used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products. The research was conducted at SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung, SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung, and SMAN 15 Bandar Lampung. The data from the test results are in the form of qualitative and quantitative descriptive data. Qualitative descriptive data in the form of verbal data regarding comments, suggestions and criticisms in questionnaires and notes during the trial. Quantitative data in the form of scores contained in the questionnaire related to the feasibility and attractiveness of the teaching materials developed. The results showed that the development of LKPD writing short stories based on local wisdom values for high school students in class XI was needed in classroom learning by teachers and students. LKPD development is carried out with the stages of defining, planning and developing. The contents of the LKPD that have been developed contain a cover, table of contents, description of LKPD, learning objectives, core competencies, basic competencies, presentation of LKPD contents, concept maps, material content, exercises, and reference lists. The development of the LKPD that has been carried out and declared feasible to be produced as one of the teaching materials is then given to the school which is the place of research through the Indonesian language teacher. The feasibility of LKPD writing short stories based on local wisdom values for class XI high school students is generally feasible. The validation carried out by material experts with a value of 77 and validation by the SMAN 15 Bandarlampung teacher stated that it was very suitable to be used with a value of 92\%, while the validation from the SMAN 2 Bandarlampung teacher also stated that it was suitable for use with a percentage of 86\%, and the validation from the SMAN 3 Bandarlampung teacher stated the LKPD very feasible to use with a score of 87.75\%. The overall average percentage is 88.58\%. Keywords: LKPD, Short Story Writing, Local Wisdom} }