TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints62718 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/62718/ A1 - Varenza Novita Yandi, 1715051006 Y1 - 2021/// N2 - The North East Java Basin is one of the offshore hydrocarbon producing basins which has a fairly high shale content in its reservoir. For this reason, it is necessary to identify the reservoir depositional environment by electrofacies analysis and determine reservoir properties from the calculation of petrophysical parameters in the form of shale volume (Vsh), effective porosity (?eff), and water saturation (Sw), and seismic data analysis. The data used are 2D seismic post-stack time migration data and 3 well data. Based on electrofacies analysis, it shows that the target reservoir zone has an electrofacies pattern in the form of cylindrical, funnel, and bell which is interpreted as containing carbonates in the form of keep-up carbonate, catch-up carbonate, and give-up carbonate and is deposited in a shallow marine shelf environment that is influenced by tide. The results of petrophysical analysis show the average value of shale volume is 19.37%, effective porosity is 24.5%, and water saturation is 54.6%. Thus, it can be said that the reservoir belongs to a clean formation with very good porosity and contains oil and gas fluids. Meanwhile, the analysis of seismic data displayed on the time structure map and depth structure map shows that this reservoir area is influenced by thrust faults trending northeast- southeast. In addition, sensitivity analysis of well data was carried out to determine the nature of the prospective reservoir, namely the density of 2.18 ? 2.42 gr/cm3 , acoustic impedance 6.700 ? 10.200 (m/s)?(gr/cm3 ), shale volume 20% , and water saturation 40%. Keyword: Electrofacies, petrophysics, structure, reservoir Cekungan Jawa Timur Utara merupakan salah satu cekungan penghasil hidrokarbon laut lepas yang memiliki kandungan lempung (shale) yang cukup tinggi pada reservoir-nya. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan identifikasi lingkungan pengendapan reservoir dengan analisis elektrofasies serta penentuan sifat reservoir dari perhitungan parameter petrofisika berupa volume shale (Vsh), porositas efektif (?eff), dan saturasi air (Sw), dan analisis data seismik. Data yang digunakan berupa data seismik 2D post-stack time migration serta 3 data sumur. Berdasarkan analisis elektrofasies menunjukkan zona target reservoir berada memiliki pola elektrofasies berupa cylindrical, funnel, dan bell yang diinterpretasi terdapat karbonat berupa keep-up carbonate, catch-up carbonate, dan give-up carbonate dan terendapkan pada lingkungan paparan laut dangkal yang dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut.. Hasil analisis petrofisika menunjukkan nilai rata-rata volume shale sebesar 19,37%, porositas efektif 24,5%, dan saturasi air 54,6%. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa reservoir termasuk pada formasi bersih dengan porositas sangat baik dan mengandung fluida minyak dan gas Sementara itu analisis data seismik yang ditampilkan pada peta struktur waktu dan peta struktur kedalaman menunjukkan bahwa area reservoir ini dipengaruhi oleh sesar naik yang berarah timurlaut- tenggara. Selain itu dilakukan analisis sensitivitas data sumur untuk mengetahui sifat reservoir yang prospek, yakni densitas sebesar 2,18 ? 2,42 gr/cm3 , impedansi akustik 6.700 ? 10.200 (m/s)?(gr/cm3 ), volume shale ?20%, dan saturasi air ?40%. Kata kunci: elektrofasies, petrofisika, struktur, reservoir PB - FAKULTAS TEKNIK TI - IDENTIFIKASI LINGKUNGAN PENGENDAPAN DAN SIFAT RESERVOIR KARBONAT MENGGUNAKAN ELEKTROFASIES, METODE SEISMIK 2D POST STACK TIME MIGRATION (PSTM), DAN ANALISIS PETROFISIKA CEKUNGAN JAWA TIMUR UTARA AV - restricted ER -