@mastersthesis{eprints62772, month = {Pebruari}, title = {ANALISA DAMPAK PEMASANGAN STATIC VAR COMPENSATOR (SVC) PADA IPP PLTBG 2X1,5MW PT. GREE ENERGY HAMPARAN TERHADAP SISTEM DISTRIBUSI 20kV PENYULANG RAMBUTAN}, school = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, author = {1825031006 FAHRUR RIZA PRIYANA}, year = {2022}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/62772/}, abstract = {ABSTRAK Independent Power Producer (IPP) PLTBg 2x1,5MW PT. Gree Energy Hamparan merupakan distributed generator yang sinkron ke sistem distribusi penyulang rambutan 20kV di kawasan sistem gardu induk PLN Seputih Banyak Lampung Tengah. Berdasarkan data operasi pembangkitan tahun 2021, Independent Power Producer (IPP) PLTBg 2x1,5MW PT. Gree Energy Hamparan hanya mampu menyuplai energi listrik sebesar 9,73GWh dari target 16,38GWh. Salah satu penyebab tidak tercapainya target suplai energi listrik adalah rendahnya Utilization Factor generator. Tegangan overvoltage pada penyulang rambutan ketika kondisi beban light load mengakibatkan pengurangan daya pembangkitan generator. Pada penelitian ini, mengakomodir pemasangan SVC Medium Voltage 2,4MVAr untuk mekompensasi daya reaktif dan meregulasi tegangan ketika terjadi fluktuasi pembebanan. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi dan analisis, SVC MV 2,4MVAr secara teknis layak dan untuk dipasang pada bu outgoing IPP PLTBg 2x1,5MW PT. Gree Energy Hamparan. Selain itu, pemasangan SVC MV 2.4MVAr berpotensi meningkatkan Utilization Factor generator sebesar 8,57\% dan meningkatkan produktivitas generator serta mencegah timbulnya energy loss. Kata kunci: PLTBg, Faktor Utilitas, Static Var Compensator, Overvoltage, Pengaturan Tegangan. ABSTRACT Independent Power Producer (IPP) PLTBg 2x1,5MW PT. Gree Energy Hamparan is a biogas power plant as synchronous distributed generator to Rambutan's distribution network of PLN system. Based on the power plant operation data in 2021, Independent Power Producer (IPP) PLTBg PT. Gree Energy Hamparan is only able to export electricity 9,73GWh of 16,38GWh target to the grid. The low of utilization factor is one of the causes of not achieving the electricity target. The light load conditions cause over voltage in Rambutan?s distribution network, so it has an impact on reducing generator power generation. In this research, a feasibility study is carried out on the installation of Static Var Compensator (SVC) Medium Voltage 2,4MVAr to compensate the reactive power during load fluctuations. Based on the simulation and analysis results, Static Var Compensator (SVC) Medium Voltage 2,4MVAr can increase the utilization factor up to 8,57\% and has the potential to increase generator productivity and prevent energy loss. Keywords ? Biogas Power Plant, Utilization Factor, Static Var Compensator, Overvoltage, Voltage Regulation } }