%A 1614131104 Nia Okta Sari %T Dampak Kemitraan Usaha Peternakan Ayam Ras Pedaging Terhadap Biaya Produksi Dan Pendapatan Di Kota Metro %X The research aimed to determine the partnership pattern, the driving factors of partnership and the impact of partnership on broiler chicken farming business in Metro City. The research location was determined purposively in Metro City. The research was conducted by survey with 59 people as samples by purposive sampling technique. The data was analized by descriptive analysis, binary logistic regression and independent ssmple t test. The result showed that the pattern partnership of breeder partners in Metro City was a plasma core partner. The driving factors of broiler breeder partners were doing partnership were capital availability motivation, market guarantee motivation, price guarantee motivation and high income motivation. Partnership on broiler chicken farming bussines in Metro city gave a positive impact to income and more efficient production costs. Keywords: broiler chicken, income, partnership impact %C UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Lampung %D 2022 %I Fakultas Pertanian %L eprints62849