<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA"^^ . "Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Benih dan Laboratorium Lapang\r\nTerpadu Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung pada awal Agustus 2020 sampai\r\nawal Januari 2021 menggunakan 22 genotipe benih kenari (Canarium indicum L.)\r\nasal Maluku Utara. Percobaan I: Keragaman fisik benih beberapa genotipe kenari\r\n(Canarium indicum L.) asal Maluku Utara dengan pengamatan karakter morfologi\r\nbenih, pengukuran dilakukan pada karakter kuantitatif dengan alat ukur dan\r\nkarakter kualitatif dengan cara skoring. Pengukuran dilakukan berdasarkan\r\nDescriptors for walnut (1994) dimodifikasi dan khususnya benih. Percobaan II:\r\nEvaluasi viabilitas benih beberapa genotipe kenari dengan perlakuan perendaman\r\nair panas menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial tiga ulangan\r\ndan dua faktor yaitu faktor pertama waktu perendaman air panas (tanpa perlakuan,\r\n10 menit, dan 30 menit) dan faktor kedua 22 genotipe kenari. Percobaan III: Uji\r\nberbagai media untuk pertumbuhan bibit beberapa genotipe kenari (Canarium\r\nindicum L.) metode yang digunakan RAK-F terdiri dari dua faktor yaitu faktor\r\nmedia tanam (A) : media tanah Top soil, media tanah Top soil+ pupuk kotoran\r\nsapi (1:1) dan Cocopeat. faktor kedua 22 genotipe bibit kenari (G). Hasil\r\npenelitian Percobaan I: Hasil dendogram analisis UPMGA 22 genotipe\r\nberdasarkan 14 karakter morfologi dan agronomi memiliki persamaan ciri terdekat\r\ndalam hubungan kekerabatan yaitu genotipe Nge susara dan Nge jingga dengan\r\nnilai jarak koefisien sebesar 73,20 %. Sebaliknya hubungan kekerabatan terjauh\r\nberdasarkan kesamaan ciri yaitu genotipe Ifa daalus dengan Ifa wagol nilai jarak\r\nkoefisien sebesar 22,04%. Percobaan II: genotipe G4 (Ifa maidetibo) memiliki\r\nnilai tertinggi pada variabel nilai delta, keberhasilan persemaian, kecepatan\r\n\r\nberkecambah, daya kecambah, tinggi kecambah, diameter kecambah dan jumlah\r\ndaun pada perendaman 10 menit. Selanjutnya pada bobot batang basah, bobot\r\nbatang kering, bobot daun basah, bobot daun kering, jumlah akar, bobot akar\r\nbasah dan bobot akar kering perendaman 10 menit merupakan perlakuan terbaik.\r\nPercobaan III: genotipe G21 memiliki tinggi bibit tertinggi pada umur 5-20 HSTP,\r\nsedangkan umur 25 sampai 70 HSTP genotipe G20 pada media tanam tanah top\r\nsoil + pupuk kotoran sapi yang tertinggi. Selanjutnya jumlah daun tertinggi pada\r\numur 5 sampai 35 HSTP terdapat pada genotipe G4, sedangkan umur 40, 45 dan\r\n70 HSTP genotipe G8. Selanjutnya genotipe G14 memiliki jumlah daun tertinggi\r\npada umur 50 dan 55 HSTP, sedangkan umur 60 dan 65 HSTP jumlah daun\r\ntertinggi pada genotipe G9 media tanam tanah top soil + pupuk kotoran sapi.\r\nDiameter bibit tertinggi pada umur 5 sampai 70 HSTP terdapat pada genotipe G4.\r\n\r\nKata Kunci : 22 genotipe benih kenari, perendaman, media tanam, agronomi,\r\nmorfologi, bibit kenari, tanah top soil, cocopeat, pupuk kotoran\r\nsapi.\r\n\r\nThe research was carried out at the Seed Laboratory and Integrated Field\r\nLaboratory, Faculty of Agriculture in University of Lampung from early August\r\n2020 to early January 2021 using 22 genotypes of walnut (Canarium indicum L.)\r\nseeds from North Maluku. Experiment I: The physical diversity of seeds of\r\nseveral genotypes of walnut (Canarium indicum L.) from North Maluku by\r\nobserving the morphology of the seed morphology. Measurements were made on\r\nquantitative characters using measuring instruments and qualitative characters.\r\nMeasurements were made based on the modified Descriptors for walnut (1994)\r\nand particularly for seeds. Experiment II: Evaluation of seed viability of several\r\nwalnut genotypes with hot water immersion treatment using a randomized block\r\ndesign (RAK) Factorial three replications and two factors, namely the first factor\r\nwas hot water immersion time (without treatment (control), 10 minutes, 30\r\nminutes) and the second factor 22 walnut genotypes. Experiment III: Test various\r\nmedia for seedling growth of several genotypes of walnut (Canarium indicum L.)\r\nThe method used RAK-F consists of two factors, namely the first factor is\r\nplanting media (A): soil media (control), soil media + cow dung fertilizer ( 1:1),\r\nCocopeat and the second factor of walnut seed genotype (G). Research results\r\nExperiment I: The results of the UPMGA dendogram analysis of 22 genotypes\r\nbased on 14 morphological and agronomic characters have the closest similarity in\r\nkinship characteristics, namely the genotypes of Nge susara and Nge jingga with a\r\ndistance coefficient value of 73.20%. On the other hand, the farthest kinship based\r\non the similarity of characteristics is the genotype Ifa daalus with Ifa wagol with a\r\ndistance coefficient value of 22.04%. Experiment II: genotype G4 (Ifa maidetibo)\r\nhad the highest value on the variables of delta value, nursery success, germination\r\nspeed, germination, germination height, sprout diameter and number of leaves at\r\n10 minutes immersion. Furthermore, on wet stem weight, dry stem weight, wet\r\nleaf weight, dry leaf weight, number of roots, wet root weight and dry root weight\r\nsoaking for 10 minutes was the best treatment. Experiment III: genotype G21 had\r\nthe highest seedling height at the age of 5-20 HSTP, while at the age of 25 to 70\r\nHSTP genotype G20 in planting media of top soil + cow dung was the highest.\r\nFurthermore, the highest number of leaves at the age of 5 to 35 HSTP was found\r\n\r\nin the G4 genotype, while at the age of 40, 45 and 70 HSTP the G8 genotype.\r\nFurthermore, genotype G14 had the highest number of leaves at the age of 50 and\r\n55 HSTP, while at the age of 60 and 65 HSTP the highest number of leaves was at\r\ngenotype G9 with top soil + cow dung growing media. The highest seedling\r\ndiameter at the age of 5 to 70 HSTP was found in the G4 genotype.\r\n\r\nKeywords: 22 genotypes of walnut seeds, immersion, planting media, agronomy,\r\n\r\nmorphology, walnut seeds, top soil, cocopeat, cow manure."^^ . "2021-11-09" . . . . . "Universitas Lampung"^^ . . . "Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung"^^ . . . . . . . . . "ALKADRIN "^^ . "MANUI"^^ . "ALKADRIN MANUI"^^ . . . . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (File PDF)"^^ . . . "abstrak - Alkadrin manui.pdf"^^ . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (File PDF)"^^ . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (File PDF)"^^ . . . "tesis tanpa bab pembahasan - Alkadrin manui.pdf"^^ . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "VIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium\r\n\r\nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #63101 \n\nVIABILITAS DAN KERAGAMAN FISIK BENIH KENARI (Canarium \n \nindicum L.) ASAL MALUKU UTARA\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "600 Teknologi (ilmu terapan)" . . . "630 Pertanian dan teknologi yang berkaitan" . .