%0 Generic %9 Other %A FRISCA PAKPAHAN, 1014111038 %C Universitas Lampung %D 2014 %F eprints:6347 %I Fakultas Pertanian %T IMUNITAS NON SPESIFIK DAN SINTASAN LELE MASAMO (Clarias gariepinus. >< C. macrocephalus.) DENGAN APLIKASI PROBIOTIK, VITAMIN C DAN DASAR KOLAM BUATAN %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/6347/ %X ABSTRAK BAHASA INDONESIA: IMUNITAS NON SPESIFIK DAN SINTASAN LELE MASAMO (Clarias gariepinus >< C. macrocephalus) DENGAN APLIKASI PROBIOTIK DAN DASAR KOLAM BUATAN Lele masamo (Clarias gariepinus >< C. macrocephalus) merupakan lele varian baru yang memiliki banyak keunggulan dibandingkan dengan lele varian lain. Salah satu keunggulannya yaitu pertumbuhan yang cepat sehingga lele masamo banyak diminati oleh pembudidaya. Penggunaan dasar kolam buatan pada budidaya lele masamo dijadikan sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan produksi. Namun, pemberian dasar kolam buatan dalam budidaya mengindikasi ikan mengalami stres. Salah satu cara untuk menanggulangi permasalahan tersebut yaitu dengan pemberian imunostimulan seperti yang terkandung dalam probiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pemberian probiotik terhadap imunitas non spesifik lele masamo yang dibudidayakan dengan menggunakan dasar kolam buatan. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan 2 perlakuan yaitu perlakuan pemberian probiotik dan tanpa pemberian probiotik dengan tiga kali ulangan. Penelitian berlangsung selama 45 hari dan diamati pada hari ke-0, hari ke-15, hari ke-30, dan hari ke-45. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian probiotik berpengaruh nyata terhadap total leukosit, persentase limfosit dan sintasan lele masamo (P<0,05), namun tidak berbeda nyata terhadap persentase monosit, persentase neutofil dan kadar hematokrit (P>0,05). Pemberian probiotik dalam pakan dan air budidaya mampu meningkatkan total leukosit dari 66.856 sel/mm3 menjadi 103.739 sel/mm3, persentase limfosit dari 68,7% menjadi 75%. Kata kunci: lele hibrida, sintasan, probiotik, hematologis, stres ABSTRAK BAHASA INGGRIS: NON SPECIFIC IMMUNITY AND SURVIVAL RATE OF HYBRID CATFISH (Clarias gariepinus >< C. macrocephalus) APPLIED PROBIOTICS AND ARTIFICAL SUBSTRATES DURING CULTURE Hybrid catfish (Clarias gariepinus >< C. macrocephalus) is a new variant of catfish that has much superiority over the catfishes. One of them is the rapid growth of this catfish so that many farmers are interested. The use of artificial substrates on hybrid catfish farming is conducted as an alternative to increase the production. However, giving the artifical substrates in cultivation indicates that the fish become stress.One of the solutions to solve that problem is by giving immunostimulant likes probiotic. Immunosimulant is capable to increase non specific immunity of hybridn catfish. This research was aimed to study the effect of giving probiotics toward the non specific immunity of hybrid catfish which is cultivated using the artificial substrates. The research design consists of 2 treatments, with and without giving probiotics with three replicates. The research in 45 days and observed on day of 0, day of 15, day of 30, and day of 45. The results showed that the administration of probiotics significantly affect the percentage of total leukocytes, percentage of lymphocytes and survival rate of hybrid catfish (P<0,05), but not significantly different to the percentage of monocytes, neutrophils and hematocrit levels (P>0,05). Addition of probiotics in feed and water were able to increase the total leukocyte from 66.856 sel/mm3 to 103.739 sel/mm3, respectively. Addition of probiotics in feed and water were able to increase the lymphocyte percentage from 68,7% to 75%, respectively. Key words: hybrid catfish, survival rate, probiotics, stress