%A 1817031030 SHOFIYYAH FAUZIAH SAYUTI %T REGRESI NONPARAMETRIK METODE KERNEL DENGAN ESTIMATOR GASSER-MULLER PADA DATA CURAH HUJAN DI PROVINSI LAMPUNG %X Parametric regression and nonparametric regression are two methods used in regression analysis. In parametric regression, there are several assumptions that must be met, such as the normality of the, the distribution of data that forms a certain pattern, and others, while in nonparametric regression it does not depend on these assumptions. To estimate the nonparametric regression function, smoothing techniques are needed, one of which is the kernel method. This study aims to estimate the nonparametric regression curve using the Gasser-Muller kernel estimator method with the Epanechnikov kernel function using the optimal bandwidth (h) for rainfall data in Lampung Province and to compare the models using Mean Square Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), and Coefficient of Determination ( %D 2022 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %R 1817031030 %I FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM %L eprints63563