%A Yanto Yanto %T KELIMPAHAN NEMATODA PARASIT TUMBUHAN PADA BERBAGAI UMUR LAHAN DENGAN UMUR TANAMAN DAN KLON PISANG CAVENDISH BERBEDA DI PT NTF LAMPUNG %X KELIMPAHAN NEMATODA PARASIT TUMBUHAN PADA BERBAGAI UMUR LAHAN DENGAN UMUR TANAMAN DAN KLON PISANG CAVENDISH BERBEDA DI PT NTF LAMPUNG Oleh YANTO ABSTRAK Nematoda parasit tumbuhan dapat menjadi hama yang sangat merugikan pada pertanaman pisang. Nematoda menyerang akar dan dapat menyebabkan gangguan sirkulasi air dan translokasi unsur hara pada tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh umur lahan, umur tanaman dan klon pisang Cavendish serta faktor lingkungan tanah terhadap kelimpahan nematoda parasit tumbuhan. Survei dilakukan di perkebunan pisang PT NTF Lampung Timur pada bulan Februari 2014. Sampel tanah dan akar diambil dari beberapa kisaran umur penggunaan lahan (3-5 tahun, 10-12 tahun, dan 17-19 tahun), beberapa kisaran umur tanaman (1-3 bulan, 4-6 bulan, dan 7-9 bulan). Nematoda dari 200 cc tanah atau 50 g akar diekstraksi menggunakan metode Bearman yang dimodifikasi. Data dianalisis ragam dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan pemisahan nilai tengah menggunakan uji BNT pada taraf nyata 5%. Untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor lingkungan tanah dengan kelimpahan nematoda digunakan analisis regresi kuadratik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 16 genus nematoda parasit tumbuhan dan 9 genus nematoda hidup bebas ditemukan berasosiasi dengan pertanaman pisang Cavendish di PT NTF. Enam genus nematoda parasit tumbuhan (Radopholus, Pratylenchus, Meloidogyne, Helicotylenchus, Hoplolaimus, and Scutellonema) menunjukkan nilai prominence yang tinggi. Di antara ke enam nematoda tersebut, Radopholus dan Pratylenchus memiliki populasi absolut dan frekuensi absolut yang tinggi. Umur penggunaan lahan dan umur tanaman mempengaruhi kelimpahan nematoda Radopholus dan Pratylenchus. Kelimpahan kedua nematoda ini lebih tinggi pada lahan berumur 3-5 tahun daripada kelimpahannya pada lahan berumur 17-19 tahun. Kelimpahan nematoda Radopholus dan Pratylenchus juga lebih tinggi pada tanaman pisang Cavendish berumur 4-6 bulan atau 7-9 bulan daripada kelimpahannya pada tanaman berumur 1-3 bulan. Kelimpahan Pratylenchus pada pisang Cavendish klon CJ20 dan CJ30 lebih tinggi daripada kelimpahan nematoda tersebut pada klon DM2. Kontribusi keragaman faktor lingkungan tanah terhadap kelimpahan nematoda parasit tumbuhan rendah (kadar air: 0,2-15,9%, suhu tanah: 1,5-10,1%, bahan organik tanah (C-org): 1,7-31,7%, dan pH tanah: 0,0-22,3%). Kata kunci: namatoda parasit tumbuhan, pisang Cavendish, umur lahan, umur tanaman LAND USE AND CROP AGES AND CLONES OF CAVENDISH BANANA AFFECT ABUNDANCE OF PLANT PARASITIC NEMATODE IN PT NTF PLANTATION LAMPUNG By YANTO ABSTRACT Plant parasitic nematodes can be pestiferous to banana. The nematodes attack root and cause disturb of water transportation and nutrient translocation. The aim of this research was to study the effect of land use age, crop age, clones of Cavendish banana and properties of soil on abundance of plant parasitic nematodes. Nematodes survey was conducted in PT NTF banana plantation on February 2014. Soil and root samples are taken from several ranges of land use (3-5 years, 10-12 years, and 17-19 years) and crop ages (1-3 months, 4-6 months and 7-9 month) after planting. Nematodes from 200 cc of soil or 50 g of roots were extracted by modificated Baerman method. The data were analyzed by ANOVA in randomized completely design. Least Significant Different test at 5% level was use to separate the mean of data. The quadratic models were applied to measure the relationship between of soil factors and nematode abundance. The result shows that sixteen genera of plant parasitic and nine genera of free-living nematodes were found associated with Cavendish banana in PT NTF plantation. Six genera of plant parasitic nematodes (Radopholus, Pratylenchus, Meloidogyne, Helicotylenchus, Hoplolaimus, and Scutellonema) showed high prominence values. Among them, Radopholus and Pratylenchus had higher absolute population and frequency. The land use ages and crop ages influence Radopholus and Pratylenchus abundance. The abundance of those two genera were higher on the 3-5 years old than that on the 17-19 years old land. The abundance of Radopholus and Pratylenchus abundance was also higher on the 4-6 month or 7-9 month than that on 1-3 month old Cavendish banana. The Pratylenchus abundance was higher on clones CJ20 and CJ30 than that on DM2 clones of Cavendish banana. The variation of soil factors has a low contribution to variation of plant parasitic nematodes abundance (soil water content: 0.2-15.9%, soil temperature: 1.5-10.1%, soil organic matter (C-org): 1.7-31.7 %, and pH: 0.0-22.3%). Keywords: plant parasitic nematodes, Cavendish banana, land use ages, crop ages %D 2014 %I Universitas Lampung %L eprints6372