@mastersthesis{eprints64026, month = {Juni}, title = {PENGEMBANGAN MODEL DIKLAT BLENDED LEARNING UNTUK PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI PENGELOLAAN PAUD DI BALAI PENGEMBANGAN PAUD DAN DIKMAS PROVINSI LAMPUNG }, school = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG }, author = {2023013005 Nasib Wasito}, year = {2022}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/64026/}, abstract = {Tujuan Penelitain ini adalah : 1).Menganalisis Potensi dan kondisi satuan PAUD untuk dikembangkan model diklat blended learning untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pengelolaan PAUD; 2). Menganalisis proses pengembangan model diklat blended learning untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pengelolaan PAUD;3). Menganalisis produk model diklat blended learning untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pengelolaan PAUD; 4). Menganalisis efektifitas model diklat blended learning untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pengelolaan PAUD; 5).Menganalisis kemenarikan model diklat blended learning untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pengelolaan PAUD. Pedekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pengembangan model ADDIE, dengan subyek penelitian pengelola/kepala satuan PAUD. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket, observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka yang kemudian hasilnya dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa : 1). Kondisi dan potensi tempat penelitian adalah rendahnya capaian mutu pengelolaan PAUD, rendahanya kompetensi pengelola dalam mengelola PAUD, serta pemanfaatan akun belajar.id yang belum optimal 2). Proses pengembangan model diklat blended learning adalah menganalisis kebutuhan model diklat, mendesain produk awal, memvalidasi produk kepada para ahli, melakukan revisi, melakukan ujicoba produk dan melakukan uji respon/tanggapan produk. 3). Produk model diklat yang dikembangkan adalah berupa desain diklat, modul ajar diklat serta buku panduan diklat, produk yang dihasilkan mengacu kepada pembelajaran blended learning yaitu kombinasi antara pembelajaran daring dan luring dengan materi pengelolaan PAUD yang sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. 4). Efektivitas model diklat blended learning pengelolaan PAUD efektif, baik kompetensi pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap. 5). Kemenarikan model diklat blended learning sangat menarik. Kata Kunci: model diklat, blended learning, pengelolaan PAUD, This study aims: 1). To analyze the potential and condition of Early Childhood Education (ECE) to develop a blended learning training model to improve ECE management competence; 2). Analyzing the process of developing a blended learning training model to improve ECE management competence; 3). Analyzing blended learning training model products to improve ECE management competence; 4). Analyzing the effectiveness of the blended learning training model to improve ECE management competence; 5). Analyzing the attractiveness of the blended learning training model to improve ECE management competence. This research approach uses the development of the ADDIE model, with the research subject being the manager/head of the ECE. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires, observations, interviews, literature studies, and then the results were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Based on the results of the study it was found that: 1). The conditions and potential of the research site are the low quality of ECE management achievements, the low competence of the managers/principals in managing ECE, and the use of the learning.id account which has not been optimal for ECE managers 2). The process of developing the blended learning training model is analyzing the needs of the training model, designing the initial product, validating the product to experts, making revisions, conducting product trials and testing product responses. 3). The training model products developed are in the form of training designs, training modules and training guide books, the resulting product refers to blended learning, namely a combination of online and offline learning with ECE management materials in accordance with the National Standards for Early Childhood Education. 4). The effectiveness of the blended learning model of ECE management is effective to be applied, this can be seen from the results of the competency assessment of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. 5). The attractiveness of the blended learning training model is measured through a questionnaire given to the training participants. Based on the results of the responses from the questionnaire given, the blended learning training model is very interesting and motivates the training participants to learn. Keywords: education and training model, blended learning, ECE management } }