%A 1717041034 SUTIARNO %T PENGARUH VARIASI KOMPOSISI GRAFIT DAN POLYANION Na2FeSiO4 BERBASIS SILIKA SEKAM PADI PADA SUHU SINTERING 800 oC TERHADAP FASA KRISTAL DAN SIFAT LISTRIK DALAM PEMBENTUKAN KATODE SODIUM ION BATTERIES (SIBs) %X Pembuatan katode Sodium ion Batteries (SIBs) dari bahan grafit dan Na2FeSiO4 berbasis silika sekam padi telah dilakukan. Silika pada penelitian ini diekstrak menggunakan metode sol-gel. Bahan tersebut dicampur dengan NaOH, Fe(NO3)3.9H2O yang diikat oleh C6H8O7.H2O yang dilarutkan dengan H2O untuk membentuk senyawa Na2FeSiO4 dengan menggunakan metode sol-gel. Senyawa Na2FeSiO4 yang dihasilkan disintering menggunakan suhu 800 OC dengan waktu tahan 10 jam. Kemudian, senyawa Na2FeSiO4 dan grafit divariasikan komposisi yang diikat oleh polimer berupa CMC yang dilarutkan dengan N-Methylpyrolidine dan dikeringkan T=120 oC selama = 1 jam. Lalu, sampel dianalisis menggunakan FTIR, XRD, UV-Vis DRS, dan LCR Meter. Senyawa Na2FeSiO4 pada sampel dicirikan dengan keberadaan gugus Na-O, Fe-O, Si-O, dan seiring penambahan grafit pada sampel terdapat pergeseran gugus C=C di area bilangan gelombang 1580-1595 cm-1. Kemudian, hasil analisis fasa menunjukkan adanya 4 fasa kristal yang terbentuk yaitu Na2FeSiO4, Na2SiO3, SiO2 dan grafit. Seiring penambahan grafit pada sampel terdapat kenaikan nilai intensitas fasa grafit di 2?=26,56o pada difraktogram. Banyaknya komposisi grafit pada sampel berhasil menurunkan nilai energi band gap dengan nilai hasil pengujian berturut-turut 2,25; 1,84; 1,70; dan 1,69 eV. Lalu, berdasarkan hasil pengujian nilai konduktivitas listrik pada sampel katode termasuk ke dalam bahan semikonduktor dengan nilai pengujian mencapai 10-2 S/m. Kata Kunci : Energi band gap, gugus fungsi, konduktivitas listrik, Na2FeSiO4, silika sekam padi, struktur kristal, grafit, CMC. The Synthesis of Sodium-ion Batteries (SIBs) cathodes from graphite and Na2FeSiO4 materials based on rice husks was successfully carried out. Silica in this study was obtained from rice husks extracted using the sol-gel method. Then, the extracted silica was mixed with NaOH, Fe(NO3)3.9H2O bound by C6H8O7. H2O to form The Na2FeSiO4 compound by using sol-gel method. Then, the Na2FeSiO4 compound was sintered at a temperature of 800 OC with a lasting time of 10 hours. After that, Na2FeSiO4 and graphite compounds were varied in composition that bound by a polymer in the form of CMC. The dissolved with N-Methylpyrolidine and dried at T=120 oC for = 1 hour. The resulting cathode sample was analyzed using FTIR, XRD, UV-Vis DRS, and LCR Meter. The Compound Na2FeSiO4 in the sample was characterized by the presence of the Na-O, Fe-O, and Si-O groups, and in line with the addition of graphite to the sample there was a shift of the C = C group in the area of the wave number 1580-1595 cm-1. Then, the results of phase analysis show that there were 4 phase crystals formed, namely Na2FeSiO4, Na2SiO3, SiO2 and graphite. In line with the addition of graphite to the sample, there was an increase in the value of the graphite phase intensity at 2?=26.56o on the diffractgram. A large amount of graphite composition in the sample managed to reduce the energy value of the band gap with a successive test result value of 2.25; 1,84; 1,70; and 1.69 eV. Then, based on the test results, the electrical conductivity value in the cathode sample was included in the semiconductor material with a test value of up to 10-2 S/m. Keywords : Band gap energy, functional groups, electrical conductivity, Na2FeSiO4, graphite, CMC, rice husk silica, crystal structure. %D 2022 %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %R 1717041034 %I FAKULTAS MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM %L eprints64702